For some reason, I loathe him more than Gwyneth.

Maybe it's because her smugness is privileged and clueless and his smugness is malicious and deliberately ignorant.

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tell you what.

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Late capitalism. So, an optimist?

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Perhaps just a big sigh of relief, and the question, "Was he still alive? I thought he died years ago." Apparently he was a lifetime shit. His son will have fun with the eulogy.

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Stop me if you've heard this before, but they think it affects the Blahs and Mezzikins more than wypipo. So it is, in their mind, a good thing.

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It's when you realize that punishing sluts is their number one agenda bullet, the cognitive dissonance fades away.

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Try having an intellectual discussion on the topic of morality with one of those people. Shit falls apart real fast.

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Well, yes. Polluting industry hacks get the boot. Good.

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Nope. MI is a model of successful Republican led gerrymandering. That will end soon.

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Not just a racist, a misogynist, too!

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

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That, and self-loathing men worrying about being attracted to other men or worse yet, being perceived as such. They really like lesbians though, as long as they are "hawt" and think they have a shot at a threesome.

They do so like their "sin", just not in others. Unless it makes 'em a buck or two. That's terrific because their true God is mammon.

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You stole my reply. Shame on you!

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Well, he stabbed her three times in the heart. You wouldn't want to keep him locked up forever, would you?

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so you're a southwest Minnesota guy and not a swimming guy? oh

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I mean, it's not like he kneeled on the neck of some Blah guy for nine minutes and odd change, is it?

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