I didn't know the poor guy finally <a href="http:\/\/www.queerty.com\/chris-armstrong-slaps-ex-michigan-assistant-ag-andrew-shirvell-with-25k-harassment-suit-20110406\/" target="_blank">struck back</a>...

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I don't believe this story. It can't be true. Good news out of Michigan? Unpossible!

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Hello! "Omni"!

Obvs. bi!

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Yeah, but he has no reflection.

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You're either on the bus or off the bus. Or, possibly, under the bus.

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But there are very, very few gay Jewish Nazi Confederate Crusaders. Couldn't work in Muslim.

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Or was possibly run over by a bus as a child.

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It sounds like Cox made Andrew's cock just Shirvell right up.

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