If only...

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Mulvaney, and all conservatives who support the toddler have only one issue, the ever reducing "burden" on the obscenely wealthy and the establishment of a permanent financial aristocracy in the USA, just as Jefferson warned the enemies of the USA would attempt. The rest is just theater. They sure are despicable, aren't they?

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Hmmm... I can't decide who's the worst of the bunch, Mulvaney, McConnel, Pence or the toddler himself. They all play important parts in the grifting of America. And don't forget packing the courts with far right theocrats. It will take decades to right the United States of America from the harm these America haters have done. Putin must be having giggle fits.

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They are all really just one person. A symptom of a problem that has been festering for decades.

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Don't forget a facist theocracy.

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It is supposed to have originated in black drag culture. First appearing in written form as uttered by Lady Chablis in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (great book, so so movie). No one spills the beans anymore. It's all tea.

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He says it every day. He can't stop obsessing. It's so ....like just not done in the history of presidential etiquette. Did Obama scream Bush! every time people got upset about something? No. He threw some shade but did not name call. It's not done. I want to go rip the name Obama out of his little sphincter looking mouth. I feel so violent towards him I dreamt the other night that I bit off his ear.

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Thank you! That is so super useful to know.

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Welcome! I loved that book. The movie, meh.

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Also killing the protections for brand new enlisted recruits from predatory lenders.

But Trump loves the military.

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Always thought libertarians got their ideology from something other than Puritan Doctrine. “Idle hands are the devil’s playground” sounds mighty evangelical for a “Libertarian”.

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Such a punchable Eric Cantorish face.

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^^^ Yes!! This!!

Or it's very possible the whole thing won't even be mentioned on Fox.

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