Wasn't there a "Young Guns" tv show - with a Lesser Baldwin riding the American West wearing his sister's hat?

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Which one is suppose to be the dark and brooding one? They all seem kind of pasty and shallow.

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Don't you mean trilateral <i>emission</i>?

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These youngsters' publisher or editor has made a marketing mistake. There's a potential gravy train of book deals here, bigger than the "Complete Idiot" series:

Dirty Sexy Underpants Dirty Sexy Teabags Dirty Sexy White Supremacists Dirty Sexy Libertarian Ophthalmologists Dirty Sexy Diaper Fetishists Dirty Sexy Santorums Dirty Sexy Wide Stances

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So when the Republicans win back the House of Representatives because Fox News has been using 100% of their airtime for the last 2 years to scare the shit out of old people, these three dickwads are going to try and take the credit, aren't they?

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Is Beck Bosley?

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Perhaps its time to put an age limit on serving in government, I say 70. Why should we have 98 year old Senators who can't even poop themselves deciding the fate of a country they will be gone from very shortly?

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The flashing sparkling teeth is just so clichéd. The only that could have made it worse is if they flew in on fighter jets with bulging crotches emitting smoke.

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Like the RepubliCare health plan: Just saying "no" makes you feel better.

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I hope they aren't too young, or that TP'er in Ohio will try to have a little Constitution party with them while their parents are out.

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