It's a blue runner, basically only good for live bait for Kingfish or Sails. I hope they released it.

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since the tax bill was passed, my 401k has dropped about $75 a day

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"He tells it like it is!"

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I'm only 18% invested and 82% cash. Sure, I'm "losing out"...

The same way I was losing out in 2004, by not investing in Residential Real Estate, like all my friends did, who were "getting rich".

For a couple more years until the bubble started bursting.

Then i started feeling pretty good.

Then the stock market crashed in 2008, and i bought on the way down.

A year later in 2009, my money was doubled. Felt pretty good then.

Then i met a Teapublican who bought a million dollar McMansion at the peak of the RRE bubble and saw his investment drop in half.

Felt even better then. 😀

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After the crash, I would buy one of the Total Market Index funds.

You'll double your money within a year or so.

The crash may not happen for a few years, maybe as late as October 2024. Patience. You're not losing 50+% when the crash happens.

Of course, professionals will tell you to buy $X every month (dollar cost averaging). This might work better over 20-50 years.

If you're young, I'd DCA. If retirement age, I'd wait for the Trump Crash. 😉

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"We took a lot of casualties that day, son. Why do you think they call it Black Friday?"

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And then the murders began.

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Trump is so middle class he makes low class look like upper class.

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I’ve stopped even taking his calls. It’ll just be all “the checks are in the mail” this, and “I just need you to subvert America one more time” that. Same old same old with old George...

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"Donald Trump made it very clear that rich fuckwads like himself would barely see any benefit from the tax cuts, insisting that the tax cuts would “cost me a fortune” and that the entire tax cut “is so bad for rich people, I had to throw in the estate tax just to give them something.”


Trump loves the poorly educated. https://images.dailykos.com...

Trump Snak Earl cure my roomatism nao my dogs can breethe and i kan bee sumboddy!

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Ugh! This person again.

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Duct tape, Robb- don't forget plenty of duct tape.(couldn't find the Dutch translation)

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Knocked the traditional Swarter Piet imbroglio off the headlines?Zalig Kirstmis

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plakband. :)

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Contact added. :)

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