So now we knows where grade-school bullies go when they grow up: they become administrators at nice middle-class white suburban schools. Color me stunned.

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Those aren't the only ones, but any time the similarities are brought up, some smart shit invokes Godwin's Law and shuts the whole thing down.

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Not rural and poor like Pennsyltucky, but rock-solid suburban and middle class. Plenty of jobs, light manufacturing, white collar, plenty of college education. Much of Long Island is white white white and made up of people who fled NYC to escape integration in the 1960s. Lots of Italian and Irish roots. Things vary from town to town. A lot of it reminds me of the whitebread suburbs of Chicago: everyone is very proud of their good schools, which are all pretty much like this: normative, well-funded, sports-oriented, terrified of poor people, freaking out that immigrants have been showing up there.

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It was nuts. A young doctor fell in love with my mother and proposed, and she refused him because she wanted to be a nurse more than anything else. Teachers faced the same issue. It was a gross double standard.

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That poor boy.

When educated men and women start acting like those two clowns, it's time to get really scared. effing Donald has brought all this hate and insecurity to a head, he's made the bullies feel entitled along with the wack job christers. This will not end well

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That leaves out selling cars.

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Thanks, I needed that!

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Outside of the tri-state area, we're trying to remember when the Irish and Italians became white people. As my late ex-mother-in-law put it, "The Irish too were enslaved!"

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Aside from the racism, where the FUCK were administrators when a child with learning disabilities was being harmed? These people make good salaries and get actual training in order to manage the mainstreaming of kids with disabilities. Nor is that a new thing. Nor are they unfamiliar with the tendency of middle-school boys to be homicidal little shits.

Where the FUCK were they? Sue their fucking asses off. Fire their fucking asses. Pull their fucking certification. Let them go work at a bank or some other sociopathic place where they can't go anywhere near children.


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And in blatant contravention of sentence structure, also, too.

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I'm sure that Ted was one of the bullies.

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Bravo. Would upvote if #%**#@!! Disqus would work right!

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Yr Wonkette has noted several times the similarities between the "let 'em stay in Syria" crowd and the voyage of the S.S. St Louis.

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Thank you for this!

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A snapshot of Trump's America.

Heck, maybe it's Today's America, and possibly even Future America.

ISIS and Al Qaeda are right when they say that America is persecuting Muslims because they are.

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