Gesundheit! Too much phlegm in your Khom?

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"well-regulated" = heavily armed, ne c'est pas?

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Imma call the Serif's Department on you guys!

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Really wanted to come up with something maniacally snarky and funny about the 11th Commandment (aka 2nd Amendment) but thinking about the thing just gives me the sadz.

But since comments aren't allowed anyway, I guess it doesn't matter.

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It's what you do to find out what's on TV that night.

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I'm told he didn't create it, but he did force a Christian teacher to write it...at gunpoint, amazingly enough.

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Waterin' the trees of liberty (with their beer piss)

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"I cannot tell a lie. I shot the cherry."

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I hope they revise it, so as to focus more heavily on the "well regulated" part.

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Dear Illinois Gun Owner Rights facebook page: Go Fuck Yourself.

Love Fartknocker

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<i>“can’t reword the Constitution to what you think it should be,” </i>

Hello pot? This is kettle.

Gun fondlers are forever leaving out the part about a "well regulated militia" in their hysteria. And NO, a militia isn't a bunch of white, pot bellied racists running around the woods in camo.

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Astonishingly the workbook left out how Jesus climbed down from his dinosaur to dictate the Second Amendment to Washington, kick Jefferson in the balls and then rode off to teach slaves some new songs.

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<i>the parents who brag that they’re homeschooling,</i>

I hope their kiddos can get "home high paying jobs" as well since the only work you're qualified for in the real world involves a paper hat and maybe a spatula if you can pass the training program.

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Typical liberal wishful thinking.

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