And excessive masturbation impairs mental acuity. We already knew that before you showed up as living proof.

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That canal idea is a freaking doozie. Here is a map of the areas with seismic risk:http://www.air-worldwide.co...You kinda notice that the area in Sth California is one of greatest risk. Simply put, removing billions of tons of rock would cause earthquakes as the rock underneath is at maximum stress already.

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They didn't, you ignorant fuck. Europe was re-colonised by modern humans from modern Russia and the Middle East after the last inter-glacial. At that point the only humans were Neanderthals. There weren't 'white' people in the world when places like the Americas, Asia, Africa and Australia were already full of people with their own cultures. Whitey was last on the block.

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'Pure White Blood'? Better do some solid checking first mate!

"Abarr Meaning in Urdu is سب سے زیادہ پرہیزگار - Abarr is an Arabic Muslim name"

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Most Whites pretend diversity is a strength to avoid being called a racist.

Most non whites flock to White majority countries because whites build the more desirable societies

These two lines are utter and complete bullshit

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Rotary phone libelz.

(((Aron))) • 18 hours ago Sean Donahue has a rotary telephone.Let that sink in for a moment.Rotary. Telephone. CriticalDragon1177 (((Aron))) • 13 hours ago Its a huge symbol of just how backwards he is. He literally no chance of getting any of his dumb amendments passed and we should all be thankful for that

I have a rotary phone. We only just got touch tone service here. (We only got 911 in 2012.) Rotary phone is not equal to the person being backward (though it could be), just the infrastructure.

Now if we could only get cell service. . . .

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. . . and the occasional light tapping delivered those fault lines by the explosion of hundreds of nukes might wake up the earthquake gods . . . then there's the removal of all that weight.

the stupid sumbitch won't be happy until he cracks the North American plate in half.

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I imagine early humans were some shade of brown. There's a really interesting tedtalk about melanin and geographical location dictating skin color: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Nice, but no sale. Define race. Define culture. Show that "race affects culture". That last is such moronic bullshit, I feel like I need to clean my keyboard just for typing it.

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They also founded the Third Reich. Your point is what then?

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It won't just be in half:https://thumbor.forbes.com/...When the supervolcano under Yellowstone pops there won't be a Western USA anymore. Not sure about the eastern bits either. You might end up having the capital in Hawaii or American Samoa as they hold the survivors.

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As I recall, they/we had some help. Africans who were forcibly brought to this country and exploited for their labor. Other groups have also added value to our nation since then. Race is a made up construct.

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Pearls before swine.

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Another lie from a racially stupid fascist.There was plenty of unemployment, those unemployed were sent to torture camps or were taken into a bloated military funded by the confiscation of other peoples wealth.

Pick up a history book you nasty ignorant little turd

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