And as far as the batshit nuts militias go, the ones who keep saying that if anybody tries to take their guns away there'll be bloody armed insurrection, well, the perfect answer to that is the meme that displays a silhouette of an assault rifle with the words, "Come and Take It." Right underneath is the silhouette of a helicopter gunship and the words, "No Problem."Of course it'd probably turn out to be just so much hot air, like a President Trump harangue. Give or take a few more mass shootings, of course.

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"Like this is SO triggering to those liberals, right? Can't they just shut up about their dead children already?"

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I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, "Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people."

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Walmart offered a single-shot .22 rifle for girls. It was pink.

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And this is why I'm looking forward to 2019. Trump has achieved what little he has achieved by bullying and a compliant Republican Congress that never challenged him. Nancy Pelosi knows her shit. Donald Trump does not know his shit.

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Maybe it has something to do with doxing ~300,000 voters on the SOS website who voted by absentee ballot. That'd even piss Republicans off. (Especially when some of those who had their addresses posted were Republicans.)

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You keep lube in your pockets? Uh ... were you a scout?

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With apologies to cloven hoofed animals.


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That, too.

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I am packing him a Borscht Basket for his Aeroflot trip back to the Motherland.


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After the defeat of the southron traitors some moved west to avoid having to live with free blacks. Oregon was appealing because we had a law on the books forbidding blacks from living here. All of the good arable land in the valley was already divied up so the more marginal land in the Umpqua and Rogue basins became their new home. Portland was definitely out of the question, (((echos))) live there. Eastern OR was only good for dry range cattle ranches and stayed that way until electrification made irrigation and deep well pumps viable.

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... the medical community seems to have consulted NO ONE but themselves

Who exactly are the medical community supposed to consult about a public health crisis? The people causing the crisis?

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You can be even more righter by a slight re-arrangement in word order: "How far … of whom to be afraid."

Important grammar note -- never end a sentence with an obstetrician.

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Clearly they aren't suffering from it.

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You've got it all wrong. The cat is showing his mouse buddy the best places to find food.

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