The gunfucking paranoids running the NRA have managed to get us to the point where there are more guns than there are US citizens who could carry them -- and we're on track to have a gun for every child, infant, and fetus as well. And now that there are so many guns out there that we're all in danger of being shot by some imbecile exercising his 2nd Amendment rights, of course the only thing to do, according to the NRA, is buy MORE guns.

I can only imagine what these crazy bastards will insist we should do, when the whole country has been turned into a nightmare version of Deadwood (and the only gun-free zone left in the nation is NRA headquarters.)

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The Kochs' personal ass-licker, Brownback, finally succeeded in relieving Koch Industries from the job-killing burden of paying state taxes, so they no longer give a shit what happens to him, or to Kansas. The savings will let them add funds to their other <i>Take America Back (to the 1880s)</i> projects.

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Make sure he keeps his hands visible at all times, and doesn't make any sudden moves. You don't want to become collateral damage.

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For some reason, a distressing number of cops all across the country believe in "law and order" as defined by Southern rednecks -- and in many cases, as defined by the Klan. Even the NYPD has a hard time filtering these goons out of the candidate pool -- and they do try (or did, prior to Il Duce Giuliani.)

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"people need to start standing up."

Not without body armor.

On the bright side, if/when the time comes to clear out the right-wing militias, the job will a lot easier than it would have been otherwise.

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As the Mayor, I support a full and open investigation. Now where did I leave my Rolex generously donated by the Police Benovelent Society?

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Somehow always relevant if your skin tone is any darker than Laura Prepon

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That's all I want to say.

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"No Shirt, No Shoes, No Pants At Half Mast, No Service"

At least they're right up front with the rules. But is this backed up by the threat of deadly force? Because how else would they enforce it?

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As a rule, cops are not fans of armed preppers, paranoid gunfuckers, or for that matter crazy, angry people with guns in general.

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Ho Ho!

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I was gonna say, even dedicated cameras are coming out now with wireless upload capability.

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I wouldn't judge you even if you had bought a regular deer rifle. But to tell you the truth I can't recall ever seeing anyone in WM walking out with a just-purchased rifle. I probably have, but it just didn't register. It's probably a common enough sight, which suggests WTF was wrong with those people, the ones who called the cops? And didn't anyone think to check with store employees or management? WM has cameras all over the store and surveys everyone who is on the floor. If there was any danger they would have been the first to know it.

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To be truthful, when police officers do get disciplined for episodes of misconduct (or worse) the public rarely hears about it. PDs don't really like to publicize disciplinary matters unless it involves a big scandal.

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"[...] we're at a point where the media and a good chunk of the populace consider it acceptable for black men to get shot down for holding toy guns [...]"

Cynicism and resignation aren't the emotions I am feeling at the moment.

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Shit is crazy, it really is. When such great responsibility is placed in the hands of the cops to decide to shoot or not, we should hold them accountable for their actions. I understand giving the benefit of the doubt, but this goes way beyond that. Do no police departments teach DE-escalation? Their goal for every conflict should be to avoid a dead fucking citizen. If a cop literally shoots before asking questions there should be consequences to their career and freedom. As for Wal-Mart, fuck them, each and every store built in the last 10 years has crystal clear surveillance for anti-theft purposes. The same shit they use to railroad people into signing statements shoved infront of them by their internal security can be used to determine what happened here. And trust me, they never 'lose' the tape when they are trying to pin something on a shoplifter.

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