Do they have kittens too?

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...assuming that this cop is right handed(like 85% of human race), then his firearm would be holstered on the <strong>RIGHT</strong> side of his body. Which would mean Michael Brown would have to reach through the vehicles window and <strong>ACROSS</strong> the police officers body to grab it. Sounds about as likely as a mob informant committing suicide by shooting himself twice in the back of the head.

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Who in the hell does that boy Ron Johnson thinks he is calming the crowd so it makes it look bad when we shoot some more of the Knee grows in hopes they will react so we can justify shooting more? How in the hell can you have a race war when racist are calming the fighters down

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...I own a gun and I can tell you, at 35 feet a well trained individual will miss hitting a moving target 25 to 30% of the time. Chances are this cop emptied the clip to hit this kid 6 times.

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The Chief of Police's plan seems pretty simple - ignore what everyone else says, flip off the MHP, and then make sure he looks good for his appearance on "Hannity".

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Sooner or later, one of the storeowners is gonna grab his street sweeper and "defend his property" since there is a persistent belief from the business community that the police aren't being aggressive enough. And then things will get measurably worse.

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The owner of one of the looted shops has been shown cleaning up the mess inside the shop, with armed guards outside.

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How about a UN peace-keeping force? They could be flown in by helicopter.

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...Yeah, I'm interested in how many shell casings they found on the scene. My handgun(which is commonly used by LE) has a clip capacity of 14+1

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...you should see the talents of Mexican drug cartel informants! They can simultaneously hang themselves and set themselves on fire!

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Agenda 21 black helicopters?

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Only six? Is there a bullet shortage?

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