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More correctly, who was dan johnson. He was a rwnj who was mercilessly shredded by wonkette blogger Fakakta South. Guess he couldn't handle the mockery.

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....or the guilt. I found out who he was on another site. Thanks.

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Well, they would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for you damn kids and your fucking dog!

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We're going to take down a senator? Yes, they're not guilty of anything.

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Wouldn't it be fun if she was the prosecuting attorney? (WTH, conflict of interest doesn't seem to exist anymore.)

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She paid enough to get him out of her life.

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Because they manufactured some of them?

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Here is the sentient woman's reaction to that nonsense. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I'd be happy to help you out but I'm probably not your type.

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Two words for you, Silkwood shower.

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They proved it last night and saved us all!

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You two should patent that.

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You know, Maggie Haberman tried to erase it from his history (she literally said he got his political start with Reagan) but Roger Stone worked for CREEP with Don Segretti, the guy who coined the word 'ratfucking', and was a protege of Roy Cohn's.

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