a) you know my mind is fried from Pink Dome shenanigans (of which there are quite a few more than usual and quite a few that no one has ever seen mostly designed to throw off the Freedums Cacas) when I see "Robert Mueller" and go, "I wonder if he's related to the guy they named the former Austin Airport for..." which, it turns out, this Robert Mueller is a III, but it doesn't say if the two are related. the Austin one was a city commissioner who died in 1927 after he got blood poisoning from passionately debating the budget while having hay fever against doctors orders. that's a pretty badass way to go if you ask me! (because I have become a total budget nerd.) and when I see "DQed" I think you're talking about having a secret meeting in the McKinney DQ with Ken Paxton and GOD.

b) our president couldn't figure out if it was "counsel" or "council" so he went with "councel"? again: HOW ARE WE STILL ALIVE AT THIS POINT?!

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Both Lyndsey Graham and Claire McCaskill said this

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^^^^^"Portrait of the Artist as a Young Maniac."

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I prefer Three-Man Snee-ho, illegal in many countries.

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"To Usurp, With Love"

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"Gonna see Miss Ivanka ...Gonna go to Club Fed."

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The Graybar Retirement Community?

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Oh I am in love!

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No, that's the judges... all in black.

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Fine soldier.

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Why, yes! I hear the decorator is very post-modern and the accommodations are extremely minimalist. Very avant garde.

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And they gave the sunlight stripes!

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I still don't understand why Flynn DQ'd the Pentagon sanctioned move. I'll have to reread. Hell of an article. The gist I got was that Pencey screwed up big time as he was appointed "CEO" of the Turkey intelligence thingy ( I have to dumb down the monikers as I'm recovering from a rage bender ), and directly went against pentagon sanctioned U.S policy. Coulters tweet a red herring along with making no sense. So along with with being snow white, his hair will soon be on 🔥, subtly offsetting the bronzer all over his face. I don't trust a Politician who looks more like a model for silver fox shampoo, not only because he's a repub - but what the FUCK were people thinking electing these two ?Now my repub friends are openly criticizing Trumpy. Yes, I have repub friends because I'm open minded as shit. Not their fault they were indoctrinated as youths.

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Now curious as 2 why " Turkey wouldn't like it. History, y'all. I think they don't like the Kurds....yet I'm forgetting crucial details of the Armenien genocide. I need to to back to school. Edumacate myself....

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