Does anybody have Mike's address handy? I think we should all send him a tinfoil hat.

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Yes Micky, that will work just like another dumbass Arkansas Governor suggested until Eisenhower landed the 101st Airborne on Orville Faubus.

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Obviously, government refusing to use force on you is government using force on me. For example, when a gay person gets married, that's a violation of my freedumb of religious. That's just how math works.

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There was the marmot incident. And that one girl's toe.

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Hey, Huck's not blah!

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Ah yes, the well-known "The Dude Exception." Remember, The Dude signed the Port Huron Statement, and not the compromised final version.

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Looking at the article you link, it's obvious that the "recent Pew Poll" is cherry-picked, and a clear outlier, surrounded by polls with higher numbers.

Even still, what the hell are the error bars on these polls? I think most of them are sized to be +/- 3% or so, which means that two results of 54% and 49% are statistically indistinguishable.

BTW, this comment really isn't about consensual love, it's about lying shitwads like Maggie Gallagher.

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a series of rubes?

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Yeah, this.

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Well, who else would be talking inside his skull?

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Basically, they have no frigging idea what they want. As far as I can tell, the current crop of 2016 wannabes is for the following things:

1. Being against change 2. Being against gays 3. Being against women 4. Being against having a federal government at all 5. Being against military intervention except sometimes, except sometimes not, except ask me about that tomorrow 6. Being against diseases in other countries 7. Moar guns

Note that I do not mention people of color, because as best I can tell, the GOP does not think they exist.

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"In a recent radio interview with an Iowa conservative (oh, Iowa, what a coincidence!)... "

Yeah, Mike decided that he needed a break so he headed off to the Hawkeye State for a little nullification.

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I will do anything for love, but I wont do THAT.

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Render unto Caesar the things that you don't have a particular problem with.

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<em>What I’m hoping will happen is that somewhere there will be a governor who will simply say, “No, I’m not going to enforce that”</em>

And after the governor is tossed in a jail cell for contempt, what will the lieutenant governor do?

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<blockquote> but now if states wish to empower that, I guess they can do so, </blockquote> But the Supremes just punted marriage rights <i>back</i> to the states. This guy can't even keep his deluded fantasies straight...

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