I can see this scene in my minds eye ...

Mornin' Luigi. Got those press clippings for me to see? Fine, fine. Let's see now, hmm. Man, we killed in DC, New York and Shy Town, didn't we? Hee, Hee look at this kid in the Pope outfit! Sweet! Uh oh, what the hell is this? Who in Heaven's name is Kim Davis? What? I did? You mean that rube and her husband at the embassy? Oh, for Christ's sake! She did what? Give me the phone! Carlo, in my office NOW!

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I suppose, if you are stupid enough to consider President Obama a liberal, you can be forgiven for thinking the Catholic Church is also.

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Oklahoma City, Abeline, Little Rock. You know red neck hick places.

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He'll get back to you when he's finished crapping in his pants and stalking pubescent girls.

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That is one fine-looking tinfoil hat.

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15 years ago I would have said 95% . Now I don't know a lot of Hispanics here in South Texas are Evangelical Christians. But they are 90% Democrats.

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The ability of these people to look at facts and reality and re-interpret to fit their own desires is truly awesome.

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Dear Fuckabee, Lots of folks met with New Pope while he was touring the new world. The only ones who decided to crow about it and make a media circus out of their meeting were Kimmy's creepy lawyers/handlers. They set up New Pope so they could grift on their rube followers some more. Perhaps THAT is why New Pope won't return your calls now, you jackass.

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instead of that fashionable tin foil hat - he should wrap a fumigation tent around his neck, and try to get rid of those cockroaches squirming around in that there noggin - it's a quick fix

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Yeah. Frankie's gonna have to slap a bitch and demote some idjits to night janitor duty at Immaculate Conception Boy's Military.

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No, no, no. They'd probably like that.

"Vatican Liason to Alaska Huckabee Campaign"

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... if you can only figure one thing (and still get it wrong) then yeah, Mike Hucklefuck is the fucking dumbeth in the depths of dumbth.

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i think he's gonna move to Canada and be the new Samsquatch...

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I have a confused? Does Huckabee want the actual old conservative Catholic Church that's pretty sure he's going to hell for the sin of being Pro-test-ant, or the slightly less conservative Catholic Church that thinks that even Pro-test-ants and gays might be children of God too? I mean, he could still find elements of both, but neither of them would necessarily be all that interested in talking to him.

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...the Phyllis Schlafly S&M Slip ‘N’ Slide in the leathersex dungeon at the Values Voter Summit.Man, leave it to these assholes to ruin something as good and wonderful as a BDSM slip-n-slide. It's bad enough that James O'Keefe ruined the joy that is a sex boat stuffed to the gills with dildos.

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