Cons: Joe Biden needs to stop insulting us conservatives or we won’t take the vaccine!

Also cons: Joe Bidens needs to treat us like children or we won’t take the vaccine!

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About 40 years ago, a guy we knew grew a beard. My mother approved, which surprised me. She didn't like beards, but she explained that this guy had a weak chin (correct) and the beard hid that and improved his looks. That beard doesn't help Huckabee any more that Cruz' beard helps his looks. Both still are, and look, weak. Maybe the difference is the guy 40 years ago wasn't weak.

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Hey Foster Brooks! The clown car of stupid has a endless supply of derp.

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Well, he knows his base, so maybe he's on to something. If Biden telling covidiots that getting the vaccine is like getting the plans for the Death Star so your body can pyew-pyew some womp-rats trying to sneak into your supply lines and blow 'em up real good - if that works, then go for it! But maybe he needs a GI Joe or Call of Duty story or something, since the right identifies with Darth Vader and the Emperor. Get the military recruiting propagandists on it - they seem to know what resonates with the gun-guts-glory Patriots.

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Go to Hell, you dishonest, bloviating piece of worm ridden filth.

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"Vaccine hesitancy" is a misnomer. "Vaccine obstinacy" is better. "Literally choosing this hill to die on" seems most accurate.

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because they're worried all their horse dewormer will fall out of their butt if they fart

There's an image I didn't need.

But I'd like to add, "along with strips of their lower intestines"

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Yeah, Biden couldn't order Congress to vaccinate even if he wanted to. It's a separate branch of government, and the President has no authority over it. Which that lying fucksticks Huckabee knows.

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The covid is a commy! T he vaccine produces a gazillion tiny AR15's in yer guts.

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He:s a former governor. He knows how government works.

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