Can't someone please point a camera at Huckabee and ask him to explain what he thinks the Dred Scott ruling was actually about, and exactly how he thinks Lincoln violated it? I have a strong feeling great comedy would ensue.
"They won't come out and say it, but their belief is that our laws and the country itself is acting as an agent of God."Oh, but they will. Venture to the land of the Breitbart and you will be regaled with tales of how men can only tell other men what to do because God.
Totally off topic, but the Keurig people and Campbell Soup have just entered into an agreement where in Campbell's is going to make single serving thingies of soup which will use the hot water made by the Keurig machine. Just what you need, chicken noodle soup with a coffee after taste.
Well, you know, if only we could purge this great nation of all the things holding us back from achieving our true God-given potential: women (except as chattel), minorities (same qualifier), gays, immigrants, young people, science, healthcare, education, taxes, the judiciary.
"how is it Huckabee managed to trampoline those ideas right back into the ether without letting them impinge upon his consciousness?"
He doesn't have a consciousness, he sold it for campaign $. Hope this answers your question.
Actually, I have. It's a different chick, with different bad grammar, but unbelievably they make the exact same amount per blow job.
Can't someone please point a camera at Huckabee and ask him to explain what he thinks the Dred Scott ruling was actually about, and exactly how he thinks Lincoln violated it? I have a strong feeling great comedy would ensue.
I feel sorry for the crew that has to clean up after Huckabee has opened his mouth.
"They won't come out and say it, but their belief is that our laws and the country itself is acting as an agent of God."Oh, but they will. Venture to the land of the Breitbart and you will be regaled with tales of how men can only tell other men what to do because God.
MR. Huckabee, this is an apple, this is an orange. They are different. Just like Dred Scott & Obergefell.Now, shut the fuck up.
Uh oh, Huckabooboo is off his meds again.
I imagine Huckabee's body must be fed up with dragging his brain around.
Verily and forsooth, with all the shit he spews he must be an asshole.
My daughters want him first.
Along with making "Handmaid's Tale" a reality.
How? Because Jebus. Sheesh, where have you been? ;-)
That could be a pretty long wait.
You can't explain that. Oh, wait, you can. O'Reilly has shit for brains.
Totally off topic, but the Keurig people and Campbell Soup have just entered into an agreement where in Campbell's is going to make single serving thingies of soup which will use the hot water made by the Keurig machine. Just what you need, chicken noodle soup with a coffee after taste.
Well, you know, if only we could purge this great nation of all the things holding us back from achieving our true God-given potential: women (except as chattel), minorities (same qualifier), gays, immigrants, young people, science, healthcare, education, taxes, the judiciary.