Exactly. Much like the dog whistle code written into nearly every piece of Republican legislation.

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That special version that all conservative x-tians read. It involves cherry picking what you want from the old testament(all the mean stuff god did/said), and just a smidge from the new testament. The proportions change, but it's mostly harsh old testament stuff.

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He is entirely carbon. Hard and cold, and devoid of a soul.

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It would be irresponsible to not speculate.

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He thinks he's a diamond, but his heart is pure coal.

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Otherwise known as the Old Testament.

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Look up "Natural Harvest" by Paul Photenhauer.

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If he was alive today, I bet they would, at the very least, throw him around.

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It's the Christian version of "I'm not a racist, but.."

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Fuckabee is just another mouth piece for the industry everything he utters out his cock holster comes straight from the GOP Talking Rhetorical Redundancy hand book of media zingers....I doubt he will be president so does he ..he is just using his self to spread the party lies around and feed the ignorant followers of his fucked up theology...He wants to stir up the base...He doesn't know he is only preaching to the choir the rest of us dont believe his ignorant Pat Roberson Bullshit.

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Apparently his base voters of trailer park loonies live on their couch eating pork rinds and watching Fox news all day...They live for cable and dont want no stinking foreigners coming over here stealing their cable.....He is just telling them in his own way...No Fucking Way Hosea..

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It takes a good toddler with an AK-47 to stop a...oh, never mind, my heart's just not into this one.

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Compared to the rest of them he seems like Elton John, back in his coke snorting days.

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"Some, I assume, are good people"

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