The Chick-fil-A company, which produces these salty waffle fries and breaded/fried chickenish sandwiches with two pickles apiece that serve as delicious on-the-go college meals but otherwise just give you hella diabetes, is notoriously owned by a prominent family in the religious social conservative set.
Double-double with onions and a choc shake, thanks. And I've never, even now, looked at the wrapping paper. I assume there are Bible verses on the wrapper because I've read about it. When I get the burger, the only thing that generally registers is "get in ma belly". If bible verses on the wrapper makes them feel good, fuck it.
Dear Mr Huckabee, people disagreeing with your views is not &quot;vitriolic assault&quot;. In fact, people choosing to exercise their right not to eat at this establishment isn&#039;t either. THIS is assault and it comes courtesy of your team... <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
Damn...they&#039;re pulling down my comments almost before I can finish them. I don&#039;t understand, I&#039;m praising them with bible verse, bless their hearts.
To be fair, the majority of the negative posts were over the fact that the Rainbow Oreo was fictional. I haven&#039;t seen so many people proclaiming &quot;I would eat that!&quot; since... err... well, it&#039;s been a long time.
Wasn&#039;t there a mass shooting at an Oakland Bibble school a while back? Plenty of Jeebusy stuff being taught there, but somehow it didn&#039;t help.
Wait. LettucePrey, is that still you?
Double-double with onions and a choc shake, thanks. And I&#039;ve never, even now, looked at the wrapping paper. I assume there are Bible verses on the wrapper because I&#039;ve read about it. When I get the burger, the only thing that generally registers is &quot;get in ma belly&quot;. If bible verses on the wrapper makes them feel good, fuck it.
Bless your hearts.
completely different special sauce...
Dear Mr Huckabee, people disagreeing with your views is not &quot;vitriolic assault&quot;. In fact, people choosing to exercise their right not to eat at this establishment isn&#039;t either. THIS is assault and it comes courtesy of your team... <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
Damn...they&#039;re pulling down my comments almost before I can finish them. I don&#039;t understand, I&#039;m praising them with bible verse, bless their hearts.
To be fair, the majority of the negative posts were over the fact that the Rainbow Oreo was fictional. I haven&#039;t seen so many people proclaiming &quot;I would eat that!&quot; since... err... well, it&#039;s been a long time.
That&#039;s takes care of the ones they fail to put into insulin shock.
Cousin Cletus: &#039; &quot;Hey, why&#039;s there <i>glitter</i> on this here fried chicken?&quot;
That&#039;s why you&#039;re not a chicken-hucking billionaire.
Then again, I never saw how coffee with steamed milk = $5, so here I am.
Wasn&#039;t there a mass shooting at an Oakland Bibble school a while back? Plenty of Jeebusy stuff being taught there, but somehow it didn&#039;t help.
&quot;...we are married to our first wives.&quot;
Who said that - the founder of this chicken outfit or (r)Money&#039;s grandparents?
A rebuttal: <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title=""> (not really)
I do love their food, though.
More likely a hairball I think. How is Mr. Lizzie?
MB: I, too, am much more interested in what&#039;s inside the good wrapper than what is printed on it.