So Mike is done believing Newtown never happened?

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Must be the same asshole god who's in charge of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Won't the Xtards be surprised!

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Nothing bad could possibly happen in a church? Zombie Sir Thomas More begs to differ.

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If he's running in front of Falwell in the pits of Hell, I'll accept it.

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My comment above was kicked out for some reason but I mentioned how God treated Job, almost forced Abraham to kill his son Isaac, and all the times he ordered the Jews to kill everyone (including children and animals) in a town they conquered. Eat an apple that allows you to see you're naked and untold billions are punished.

Talk about a cosmic sociopath! And look at his followers!

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To the people, such as Mike Huckabee, who are saying the Connecticut shooting happened because there isn't enough religion in schools, I need to publicly disagree. Did it occur to anyone that the reason there have been so many mass shootings isn't because we "took God out of school" but because automatic weapons haven't always been so easily available to the public? We are talking about weapons that didn't even exist for most of this country's history. There are dozens and dozens of countries in the world less religious than hours that do not have the mass shooting epidemic that we do. Having every child pray every morning before class or read Bible stories would not cure mental illness. There is absolutely no connection between public religiousness and this act of insanity, and trying to link the two isn't going to help solve this problem.

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This God sounds like a whiny and hormonal co-dependent teenaged girl.

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The ironic thing is that whilst Europeans have a lower rate of actual belief in God, they have a much higher rate of parochial schooling.

Also, not just gun violence, but murder in general.

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Yeah, Huck -- explain how much good praying in school has done for those hundreds of Catholic kids molested by priests over the last few decades. Huck?

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I just heard Sheer InSannity use the fake George Washington "liberty teeth" quote to justify private gun ownership.

Be on the lookout for the right wing nutz to keep draging this one out! <a href="http:\/\/frankwarner.typepad.com\/free_frank_warner\/2008\/06\/liberty-teeth-g.html" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://frankwarner.typepad.com/free_frank_warner/...">http://frankwarner.typepad....

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This is why I used to consider Huckabee probably the most dangerous Republican. He had a media brand of being somehow compassionate, and if all you saw was a couple of minutes of him on The Daily Show, you could believe it.

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Mike Huckabee could be the poster child for the Anne Lamott quote:

<blockquote>You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.</blockquote>

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And probably the next day, as well.

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It's a good thing the poor, innocent little children are still safe in church, in the care of their priest, where God will protect them. Wait - what???

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