She can put away the microscope and tweezers.

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Oh, Goatley.

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<sigh> He didn't keep his heart rate down. Why didn't Goatley learn from what happened to Danny the intern?

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Danny was the one who needed to slack off, not you.

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Well, he is a traditional yoyo after all.

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I would add "with votes," except he's not going to get any.

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I tried to find a video clip of Krieger crying out Danny's name over his blue, lifeless corpse, but Youtube has failed me.

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Not needed. That tragic scene is written on our hearts.

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You Wonkies make fun of Huck, but according to the latest PPP poll of Republicans, he has the highest favorable/unfavorable ratio. So when Republicans get tired of the obviously inauthentic Trump and Cruz (and the all-too-non-white Carson), they will turn to Huck. He reminds me a lot of Reagan, if Reagan had been from Arkansas and hadn't been an actor.

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You can white knight Huck all you want, but he still won't sleep with you.

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I don't have words, but....

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An Angry God? Yeah, that's going to feed people's spirits....

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"Trapper Keeper" is the twelfth episode of the fourth season of the animated television series South Park.

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It's actually very difficult to NOT lose weight after that surgery, because your stomach gets so much smaller you physically can't eat as much food. Sometimes people gain the weight back over time if they manage to stretch their stomachs out again, but he had the surgery less than a year ago. He's managed to defy medical science.

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sotto voce: when will they stop fellating Raygun. His shillelagh must have fallen off by now.

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