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Nothing says "I'm ready for parenthood" like being 11 years old and being raped by your stepfather. Maybe Fuckabee should be more concerned with getting the poor kid some therapy. I take that back, his "therapy" would probably consist of teaching her to love Jeebus, and forgive her poor stepdaddy.

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Happily, Huck already has plentiful exact moments when he lost, and has always lacked moments when he's had a glimmer of a hope of victory.

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I've seen other forced-birthers use that idiotic locution - most recently, one of the dumbasses wailing about the Planned Parenthood videos who obnoxiously insisted on referring to PP's patients as "mothers."

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Not to mention Law & Order: Special Fetal Unit.

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Exactly. I have never had one moment's regret. Ever.

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“A 10-year-old girl being raped is horrible. But does it solve a problem by taking the life of an innocent child? And that’s really the issue,” Huckabee said.

Translation: A 10 year old girl was raped oh well, mistakes were made, let's move on. My religious beliefs having control over her uterus and future is the REAL issue here.

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Her old man (stepfather) was the rapist, so very efficient.

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That seems a little light.

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I'm betting they don't breed mares at age 1-2.

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Oh, fuck that. There is no "God". Get over the religiosity that causes these problems in the first goddammit place.

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Read the old testament if you want to find out what a judgemental, punishing, fear-based, rape promoting, child-killing, genocidal bastard "God" is like.

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And where was your gawd when the girl was raped? Just watching?

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"If there's a god, a creator"

Then why is that god, that creator such a bastard? Why did he let the man rape a child to start with? Lazy? Uncaring? Or could it be there is no such thing and we as human beings need to stop thanking and blaming the Invisible Man in the Sky for good and evil.

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