I can not personally speak about the climate in the AF but from what I understand the Air Force Academy took steps to ensure that no one was abusing their power. The Air Force may be chock full of fundamentalists praying all over everything but the mere existence of religionists in your midst is not a threat to your personal liberty. I had the good fortune to be born without that particular affliction of faith but was still exposed to it on a daily basis all through out my life. I have known many very religious people in the military, superiors and subordinates alike, but regardless of their beliefs they have all had the good sense not to push their beliefs on anyone else. I have been alive for forty five years and have never felt someone else practicing their religion was a threat to my moral autonomy. If I had been born in a different place or time I might have something to worry about. Outside the military there are examples of religious groups trying to push thier morality on society as a whole, but if you've been reading the newspapers, it hasn't been working out to well for them.

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Of course.

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Roll with it, dude.

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It's too bad that the Founding Fathers did not make it extra-super-special clear by writing "...all enemies foreign and domestic and Teabaggy, also, too..." but I think domestic handles it nicely.

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Theses guys use their religion to justify every hateful, ignorant thing they want. Thanks, Christ!

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They do it for the sheer, mean joy of it.

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I believe the armed forces have a policy against strangling and bashing in the heads of dogs.

Edit - I was just guessing that but looks like I am right:


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Your penalty comes in the afterlife ;-)

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If the stroke comes from eating too much grits and chick-fil-a then you are okay because it is his own fault. If the stroke comes from violence or torture (like listening to Ted Nugent) then that is a problem. However, if the stroke is triggered with votes, all is forgiven.

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We love Persimmons.

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Hey, give the man credit. At least he didn't claim he and/or his fellow Christians are about to be martyred.

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I renew my call for coliseum buffets for our large feline friends.

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Religion in the military is a real problem. I've seen some of it (as a civilian) up close during my DoD engagements. If the intent is subversive, putting religious views and authority in competition with the normal chain of command, we should be alarmed. Huckabee is a fanatic. Fortunately he is also a loser.

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In Israel, aren't Orthodox Jews excused from military service because it is one of their sincerely held beliefs that killing people is kind of a bad thing?

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Damn, I have to drive to the airport so no scotch for me.

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se·di·tionsəˈdiSH(ə)n/nounconduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of the state.

Not making any accusations against Mike. Just looking up words in the dictionary cause I'm bored.

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