I wouldn't wish that fate on any woman of any ethnic group. Except maybe Kim Davis

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The right to gay bears shall not be infringed.

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Since the estimates of the percentage of gays in the human population is anywhere from 3% to 10%, chanced are that at least one, and maybe more of the Duggar children are gay. Probably not Josh, since he didn't diddle his brothers, so ya gotta wonder which one(s) are.

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Well, out of 19 kids, you know, as far as we know, 18 kids turned out pretty darn well. So that’s a pretty good percentage.Yes, it's way better than your family's percentage.

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And that will be the Duggar(s) Huckabee will eventually shun.

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"Oh and Jim Bob ran for the House before whoring out the lives of his children for slack jaws to watch and lost....in Arkansas."

On a platform of capital punishment for incest no less...

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That seems normal.

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17 Duggars and Counting (down).

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Well, when you put it like that, it does sound a bit negative.

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That's sort of like Rush Limbaugh wanting long incarceration for drug users, unless he's the drug user in question.

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I don't think that Huck views charity fraud as a sin, or even illegal. Of course, he also doesn't have any problems with incest. His new take on Josh is just a strategic retreat.

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If you've still got it, maybe Wonkette would accept it.

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"as far as we know" is the key phrase there.

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It'd be irresponsible not to speculate. With all those kids subjected to the same warped view of human sexuality, I think the chances that it only had serious detrimental effects on just one of them are pretty low.

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True fact: William Patrick Hitler (a nephew) served in the US Navy in WWII and was honorably discharged some years later.

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