Thx---just put it on my reserve list at the library.

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That may well be. I live in a rural area adjacent to a college town, and I definitely hear that tune a lot. In fact, a school board president once told me, "A child can get TOO MUCH education." I'm guessing he meant "How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm after they've seen Paree?"

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One of my least favorite phrases (after "I just bought this Nickelback CD") is "Sure, he's got a Ph.D but he doesn't have common sense." I should have a Ph.D in eye rolling for the number of times I've heard that nonsense.

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Who you callin' ugly?

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Isn't gluttony a sin? Christ, the man looks like he ate Ted Nugent.

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Professional Voyeur.

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He would have to learn her language to communicate with her. I don't think he is much for languages.

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Common sense is what tells you the earth is flat.

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The locker rooms at my schools had individual showers that we never used.

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That's good... that's a very good thing, indeed.

I wish mine would, but I suspect she's in too deep. She's a bad, bad combination of uncritical thinker, god-botherer, woo-woo conspiracy theorist, and snake-oil enthusiast. She'll fall for any health scam that bills itself as "alternative," is convinced that Christians are the most persecuted people ever, and consistently refers to Glenn Beck as a "great American." Sigh.

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Ain't that the truth. I first heard it on XKCD, but they say that sex in the shower leaves those both parties insufficiently satisfied AND bathed.

I'm pretty sure there have been Mario Kart sessions sexier than a high school shower.

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Okay, you seriously need to correct this. Huckabuck Sugarbee is not into deep-fried squirrel. What he's famous for is using his popcorn popper in his dorm room to cook squirrel meat. That is no joke. That is an actual thing.


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That's a whole lot more grossness than you intended...

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Yes, Billdo's War Reporting from the Falkland Islands.

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Bah, not Biblical enough, jmk!

(*picks up stone and loads his slingshot in the classic Davidian pose*)

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Common sense is common to your experiences. Common sense to a dairy farmer and common sense to a urban subway rider are probably two very different things. It's a bullshit way of feeling superior to someone else.

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