I could write something glib or humorous to mock this trailerpark, pork n' beans President but instead I'll just write this: what a scumfuck, I think that states my response perfectly....

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I'm oppose laws that loosen gun registration and training laws with one exception: Stray dogs should be allowed to open carry to protect themselves against Huckabees.

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It's been said many times many ways, but it still amazes me how for people like Huckabee the Constitution magically becomes a living document with lots of room for interpretation the instant they get to the words "well-regulated militia."

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Didn't we settle this whole "states' rights" nonsense about 150 years ago? I coulda sworn the "states' rights" folk lost that argument...and the one we had about 50 years ago also too.

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Not so! You'll need onefvthise for the new voting laws Republicans plan to pass. As we'll as 5 forms of ID, a $19.95 down-payment, and at least three cup of urine for the drug analysis. It should MUCH harder to vote then to own a gun after all.

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And in both cases, they simply blame the victim for any accidental misfires.

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I don't want to be fussy, but wasn't the second amendment designed to stop the English (like me) from taking America back? We have nukes. Does Mr Huckabee think he should be allowed nukes?

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I would've guessed "beat them into plows," except half the parts in those guns are probably plastic.

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Why does Mike Huckabee live with his family in such a dangerous neighborhood where home invasion robberies are evidently an ever-present reality? As they are in Iowa, too, apparently, if people want to be reassured that they can stockpile military-grade weapons in their homes.

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... just reverse engineer it. Backward thinking seems to be in vogue these days.

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Or you could just make it so you're simply riding a gun!

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As the Founding Fathers almost said, give me powered armor or give me death!

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Huh, weird. I look at him and get a different image.

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And maybe some Jim Bean, too.

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wow if they had worn horizontal stripes it wouldn't have fit in the pic.

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Couple of summers ago my dad walked into his living room and found a stranger. Dad yelled " hey!!" at him and the would be robber was so frightened he fell down the stairs while getting away. Robber was wearing a distinctive T-shirt so was picked up by the cops 15 minutes later... Dad still feels kind of sorry for the guy.

PS Dad's 85

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