Or disqualify him from polite society.

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Twisted what around? The only person twisting here was Hucklebee

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I proposed to Jane from the Diner on my Twitters but she probably didn't see it. :(

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Huck sure is commanding huge venues these days, isn't he? I wonder what he did to entice those hordes of Iowans there ....

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Face it, that Huck is a fuck. Duggar is the molester/pervert and we are supposed to give him Jeebuzzz forgives. Hillary Clinton did NOTHING except suffer through and survive her husband's zipper issues and salvage her marriage and somehow she is the one the Reichwing Christo-fascists want to nail to a cross.

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I hate hate hate Huckabee.

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1. The Duggars have put themselves out there as a model by which we should all live our lives, including being very sexual repressive especially to their daughters;

2. They raked in mullah mullah mullah over this;


3. Yet one of their sons abused the heck out of their daughters. Their response is to lock the girls doors.

Here is the deal, if you don't want your own ethics held up and scrutinized, don't go out selling yourself as the one with all the ethical answers.

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Was she beaten and dragged out?

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She's great! I also like how he tries to blend child abuse and abortion, but she doesn't fall in that trap and persists.

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So is Mike Huckabee saying he personally knows every single woman in America who has had an abortion, and therefore he is entitled to criticize them?

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LOL sending your son to a Christian work camp to work off his sin is NOT considered dealing with the problem. It's called "sweeping it under the rug"

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The fact he thinks you can just reverse some forms of child abuse should be enough to disqualify him from any position in public policy or law making.

Child abuse is never reversible and survivors live with it the rest of their lives. Some learn to deal with it better than others but none ever get it reversed.

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Yeah, he really is defending him to the hilt. Makes you wonder....

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haha fat jokes lmao bro

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It was "Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney! Go fuck yourself."

I saw that on live TV and it is seared into my memory as one of the best things that ever happened.

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Hurts their feelings too.

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