What does it say about them that whenever they talk about public restrooms it is always in the context of "places to have sex"?

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Any wounds suffered by christianists are self-inflicted. That's what happens when willful stupidity meets reality.

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Christ on a bike, even if there is a lumber shortage they will *never* run out of nails.

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I'm sure he has a very active imagination about what goes in there - everyone scantily clad, hot oil massages, etc.

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His tightness with coach is probably what originated his obsession with locker rooms.

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Or you might just end up anchoring Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Series. Life is funny that way.

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No? Then how do you guys....is there a way you guys have found to do it standing up or something? My poor girl brain is confussed!

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Selling tickets now for the Jenner/Huckabee cat fight. Bets can be placed at the usual Wonkette bookie location.

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Think of the children! I think we need laws to force every funnymentalist to register as at least a potential sex offender. Yes?


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Someone in the press should measure the actual bounds of Huckabee's adolescent voyeurism fantasies, and ask him some pointed questions.

"Hidden cameras obviously were too expensive back in the day, but nowadays, technology makes them small, inexpensive, and wireless! Couldn't you get your jollies from a hidden camera, rather deal with the fallout of gender swapping?"

"Peek through a neighbor's windows, or mirror on your shoe?"

"Are you one of those really dedicated, driven fellows? Like, have you ever considered hiding out in the pit under outhouses, to get a really good look?"

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Well, technically moobies but 44DD of one, 44CCCC of another.

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Wouldn't it be awesome if this comment backfired, and his crosseyed Evangelicals took it to mean that he was actually saying he wanted to become "Michaela Huckabee: America's First Trans President."

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I'll be in my bunk now.

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Creepy Uncle Huckabuck Sugarbee. Gross. No one wanted you then, no one wants you now.

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It helps to have a big blatter.

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