Assistant manager at Red Robin.

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AND throw away the yogurt with fruit you foolishly brought with you for a 6am flight.

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How little do Republicans think of their constituents' intelligence?


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An alien has captured your cat!!!

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Funny how all those "background checks" are signed by the NRA...in blood.

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Stopping the blood money?

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"Mike Lee would like a cooling off period, we guess. Because people make rash decisions "in the heat of the moment/emotion"''

So according to Mikey, the Buffalo murderer should've cooled off sometime after he left his home 208 miles away?

Or that guy in Texas who drove ro El Paso to murder 20 people and wound 26 from about 650 miles away? He could've stopped at any number of of 7-Elevens or Circle K's on the way to cool off.

Wonder why they didn't, Mikey?

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Have you not heard? One of their talking points is - seriously - that America is not a democracy, but a republic. I won't bother to try to define those they way they do, but it seems like they just want that cause it's it their name.

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Well, as they say, "No gnus is good gnus."

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I know you think you are making a joke, but in the past in certain states they literally have had them.

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More like 75% - not all Dems are really your friends

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It's really just that spot in SoCal where KIrk fought the Gorn in black & white with a filter...

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I had a daughter that didn't like this when I played this movie.But now I am forgiven.She works for the VA.

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He needs an AR-15 dildo up his butt with the safety off and a hair trigger.

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