Just don't forget the line feed

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Just drink from the fire extinguisher. Tastes good. Good for ya too.

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All I Really Need to Know...

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I have lived in those rural areas all my life (currently near you in Carroll County) and they were hollowed out long ago.

The remainder are armed, they're angry, they're unvaccinated, they're unmasked, they're crazy as loons. Also they're dying at an accelerated rate from guns, meth, fentanyl and covid. Strip mining would be an improvemen

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I love the putting them on unemployment scheme in Florida! Good luck getting paid!

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Now let me get this straight. Republicans howl we just gotta cut unemployment benefits cuz people won't have any incentive to find work? And some states did it? (And it didn't lead to people begging for jobs, but whatever) And now they're saying we just gotta give benefits to those who want to sit on their butts and not find jobs? Did I get that right??

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But they're against the actual Right To Die movement, oddly enough.

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Not really O/T because related to mandates. DeSantis wants to pay fines for employers who refuse to comply with mandates. What an asshole:Florida is one of a handful of states that now ensures people who refuse the shot remain eligible for unemployment benefits if they lose their job over their stance. Iowa, Kansas and Tennessee -- all governed by Republicans -- have done the same.And DeSantis, one of the leading Republican voices against federal vaccine requirements, wants to go even further. He says his state may pay the fines of businesses that snub the federal vaccine mandate -- and he'll do it with coronavirus relief aid signed into law by Biden."This is an important fight," DeSantis recently told business leaders. "And it's a fight we're happy to join." https://www.cnn.com/2021/12...

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Little say what an agenda actually is.

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That could work, but people would be giving me money to keep my clothes on.

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The US courts may kick his plan down. Gov Doug "Il Deuce" Ducey trye dplaying those games with covid relief funds, withholding them from cities, school districts and counties that imposed mask mandates, and using them to fund Talibangelical Madrassas religious charter schools, and courts slapped him down.

Of course DeathSentence probably has more clout, so we'll see.

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Do not try to follow Republican "logic"...that way lies madness.

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the filibuster must go . . . with extreme prejudice!

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The term 'Americans' apply to citizens of the US because it is in the name of the country - no other country has the word in its name

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I'm not clear on this. Since unemployment is an "entitlement" that the RWNJs are always convinced needs massive gatekeeping, that means that in all of these states making it possible to receive UI if you're not employed due to refusal to vaccinate, you have to prove that you're not vaccinated, and that some bad evil person tried to make you get vaccinated? But but but wot about mah sacred HIPPO? I don't got to tell nobody about my health. Right? How do these laws solve the conundrum that workers always lie about whether they can find work and the right of people to not be vaccinated and to not tell nobody nothing about none of their personal hellth bidness?

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