Yep, him, and Roodles, and Newsmax and OANN. Flush 'em all.

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i'm leaning towards him being the mark, but desperate to hide the fact that he's a mark (cannot accept that he has been conned and needs pathologically to prove himself right)

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day one started slow because of technical difficulties

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Bwha ha!

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Yep, I agree. I think, like a great many right wing evangelicals, he's primed to believe crazy shit and it's backed up by the unshakable confidence that his side is always right, because, Jebers. So he got conned, and instead of cutting his losses, he doubled down and doubled down until he was so deep in the con that nothing could save him. But I do think he knew it was a con before this cyber kookfest started. His tone changed about a week ago, when he stated back tracking on Donnie Tangerine Balls being reinstated on the 13th.

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crazy, i got put in timeout after commenting that Trump was in charge of the Dc guard, since there\s no governor.

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I remain flummoxed by this. Here in the UK we vote marking a cross on a bit of paper. The paper ballots go into a tin box which is taken in the evening after the polls close (at 10pm) to a big hall somewhere, tipped onto a table and then counted by hand by staff from the local council on overtime. The total votes are then read out publicly the teller. Hardly anyone has to queue at all ever (I never have in 30 years of elections) and none for more than 45 minutes or so, usually if a lot of people are turning up at the last minute. 90%+ of the count is completed by the following morning, with recounts and ballots coming in from Scottish islands meaning the occasional one or two day delay for a handful of results. No computers are involved and we are a country of nearly 70 million people.How the **** does the US do it so badly?

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I think I've got an idea on how I can help. See, there's this guy with an Indian accent that keeps calling me from "The Microsoft Security Department" and I'm thinking that if Mike contacts him, well, problem solved. Right? I don't want credit for the save.

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Has anyone told Lindell that the SCOTUS literally cannot do what he keeps claiming they'll do?

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The long lines? That's by design. When you hear about voter suppression, it's not through obvious means (Like "literacy tests" or poll taxes), but simply by making it as inconvenient as possible to vote.

"Oh, your district has 750,000 people in it? Well, we can only afford 6 voting machines, and the voting site is now 5 miles away from the nearest bus stop. Also, be sure to bring an ID that we can reject out of hand for any reason. No, the fact that we calculate that your district will likely vote for the opposing party has nothing at all to do with this!"

FYI - I live in a small suburb of Boston, and have no issues voting at all. I just check in, take 5 minutes to mark my ballot, and then feed it in to the tabulator when I check out. The only time it required any wait was in 2020, due to covid restrictions on how many people could be inside the voting area.

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And the shitshow was shortened when MyPillowForBrains guy ran off the stage when the court announced it would not throw out the $1.3B suit against him.

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I work in sysadmin/infosec and this has been ... interesting to say the least. I started following "litigation disaster twitter" to keep my sanity during the interregnum and worlds have collided.

Shades of hearing so many people who could barely turn on their phones in 2015-6 going on about Hillary's email when I'd been paid good Ameros to run email systems for years. I don't spend as much time reading logs/looking at packet captures as I still do on email but I know how to do it.

I knew that Rob Graham (@erratarob), who is a WELL-respected expert, wouldn't be given access to "the real goods" that they kept saying they had, because if they had real stuff it would have been all over everywhere not "you're gonna see it soon".

I was amused to learn that Sooper Seekrit Spyder was on staff. I did NOT until last night know about Dennis Montgomery, the serial cyber-huckster. I knew someone was cobbling something together and selling it as a bill of goods to My Cokehead though. It's easy to talk techie and get people to buy in because folks don't know better/their brain goes sproing/he was selling Lindell something Lindell wanted to see.

I wonder if Watkins/Q was physically or virtually present in that cabin in montana to which the Maricopa election machines were quite out-of-custody-chain taken.

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Possibly but he would write it off as "the fix is in" or "help, help, I'm being attacked"

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Montgomery's involvement tends to support "Lindell is the mark". But, yeah, he's deep in denial.

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But moving the deadlines/goalposts is standard con behavior.

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