Honey, just keep me from sinning, OK?
I remember a bunch of Emmys.
Glad to oblige. Go to physical therapy! It's just like sex except for the lack of tenderness and orgasms.
Dude, if your back is too totally fucked, your weekends with Lizzie won't be anything like as fun. Get thee to thy PT!
And to think, I was a fan of Liz Phair before I saw this pic.
Hey, they could have Trumpolini build a HUUUGGGGEEEE wall, and get the N. Koreans to pay for it....
Apparently, yes. The question that just came to me is whether *she* needs a chaperone if she eats with a guy who's not him.
Hmmm, or is she afraid he'll find the hookers....?
Semi-OT: has Pence's Dominionist buddies managed to breed their Red Heifer?
So THAT'S what that sound was. I thought maybe some of the chemical tanks in Elizabeth/Linden/Rahway had blown up.
Hey, if God wanted women to get any respect, He would have designed all the killing implements to look like vajayjays instead of penorz.
My... uh... radio is configured for dual-band operation, but with one band attenuated by a good 30 dB. And even so, that signal is STILL coming through as an S9+40.
Unaffiliated with Sexual Harassment Panda (A Trump(TM) Brand).
Over my head. I pasted this into Bing Translator and came up with nothing. The "B" part of LGBTQ is my best guess.
My god, he's actually smiling and not smirking like he did all the things. Who's been coaching him?
South Koreans gotta be wondering right about now if maybe China might be a better ally and protector.
Nope. Totally snorts.
get your fucking colonoscopy
I remember a bunch of Emmys.
Glad to oblige. Go to physical therapy! It's just like sex except for the lack of tenderness and orgasms.
Dude, if your back is too totally fucked, your weekends with Lizzie won't be anything like as fun. Get thee to thy PT!
And to think, I was a fan of Liz Phair before I saw this pic.
Hey, they could have Trumpolini build a HUUUGGGGEEEE wall, and get the N. Koreans to pay for it....
Apparently, yes. The question that just came to me is whether *she* needs a chaperone if she eats with a guy who's not him.
Hmmm, or is she afraid he'll find the hookers....?
Semi-OT: has Pence's Dominionist buddies managed to breed their Red Heifer?
So THAT'S what that sound was. I thought maybe some of the chemical tanks in Elizabeth/Linden/Rahway had blown up.
Hey, if God wanted women to get any respect, He would have designed all the killing implements to look like vajayjays instead of penorz.
My... uh... radio is configured for dual-band operation, but with one band attenuated by a good 30 dB. And even so, that signal is STILL coming through as an S9+40.
Unaffiliated with Sexual Harassment Panda (A Trump(TM) Brand).
Over my head. I pasted this into Bing Translator and came up with nothing. The "B" part of LGBTQ is my best guess.
My god, he's actually smiling and not smirking like he did all the things. Who's been coaching him?
South Koreans gotta be wondering right about now if maybe China might be a better ally and protector.
Nope. Totally snorts.
get your fucking colonoscopy