Trump's tweet does, indeed, speak for itself: Argghhh argle bargle knarf gnarsh lubdub.

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I personally will pay Fox & Friends good money to do a 5-minute segment on how tree octopii are menacing the avacado crop in Minnesota, just to see Trump's tweet blaming it on Obama, and Jason Chaffetz demand an investigation.

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Every time I see Mike Pence, I automatically think Penis With Ears. This endearing nickname was originally given to Daughtry, a contestant on American Idol who 'rawked', when I snarked on forums on the Vote For The Worse (RIP) message board. Yeah, he is about as hard and unlistenable as Nickelback.Does anyone else see the resemblance? Discuss.https://s-media-cache-ak0.p...

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Come to think of it, the easiest way to do this would probably be to send an anonymous tip to that effect to Breitbart.

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Are they torturing KaC again?

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Half the time I can't even believe this fucking idiot is president of the USA. I know there are Republicans who are thinking "can't we just get back to shoveling all the money back up to the 1%, and stop all the craziness?"

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Depends on the cut of meat. I'm not a snob, but some are better medium rare and some are better medium.

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I've had to have my dog expressed; I wish he could do it himself.

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when do they finally admit that Trumps just crazy as a shit house rat

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I agree. This administration is like having squirrels in the attic. They plunder everything. They're animals.

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After they've pushed through as much of their agenda as possible. Then they'll blame the stuff folks hate most on him and throw him under the bus.

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Trump's "increased national security" includes a massive cut to the Coast Guard. Tell me again, how does one smuggle a dirty bomb into the US?

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Does the constitution deal with the very real possibility that the President, at some point, might be, well, not to put too fine a point on it, but, you know, insane? What if his own Party is in control, and they are too committed to their own self-enrichment to want to do anything to help protect us from a potentially dangerous psycho? No? OK, carry on.

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In those days reporting what JNG actually said was not allowed."Warm piss" could not be said in public.

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This is the problem with the US quasi- monarchy- a revamp of the British monarchy done circa 1780. You are stuck with this guy.

After the colonies unfortunately froze their system as though it had been handed from God on tablets, the British system EVOLVED.

Today all executive power ( not all influence) rests with the House of Commons ( =House of Representatives) while the House of Lords (= US Senate) is advisory only. The Queen is mainly but not just a figure head. Her role is largely negative- she removes influence from the executive.

The Prime Minister can be effective but not monarchical- the position is filled. . In other words, the three roughly co-equal branches in Britain circa 1780 have been reduced to one. The unwritten constitution is by precedent determined if necessary by thecourts. During the Watergate hearings, some senators (to the amazement of Brits) said literally that 'the courts can't tell the President to do anything' The opposing senator then referred to English law and the statement by King James that without permission 'he could not enter the most humble dwelling.'

The pro-Nixon witness replies: I think times have moved on since then Senator: I think some things should left alone (Applause in room)

In any of the British systems, Canada, Australia etc, Trump would be nearly gone by now- replaced by a vote within the majority party. The check on the party- elections.

So what is the test of the pudding? Here is one I like, where perhaps the most powerful in the land is pitted against the weakest, with only Law, the Right, standing between them.

Churchill was annoyed by whistling- a common British habit. After Britain declared war, but before he was PM, he was Head of the Navy. A very very VIP. One morning he was working in the Navy office, on the main floor when the newspaper boy was whistling outside his window. Without looking up Churchill called a junior and said: Stop that noise. The junior summoned a higher rank who summoned the commandant. He phoned the police, who quickly attended.

Their feedback: "He can't be stopped, he's on public property."

In that era, this couldn't happen ANYWHERE else in the world.

To conclude, Churchill was informed and said; Well I'll stop it! He goes to window and says "Stop that whistling!" "Why?' says boy

Because it's annoying me!

Well you can block your ears then!

At this point Churchill recovered his composure and returned to his desk, repeating the boy's words and chuckling to himself.

Oh, and speaking of freedom- it wasn't against the law to have a beer for 14 years.

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