I'm becoming more and more stabby as this nightmare I can't seem to wake up from continues....

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That is the face of a man who just shat himself.

And sort of enjoyed it.

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That is the only acceptable way to include a picture with your application!

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My favorite was listing under skills for a supervisory position: I give good hugs.

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We knew all the corrupt bullshit. It wasn't a secret before the election. The press ignored it for the most part. The FBI, well. The whole thing stinks to high goddamn heaven. Godfuckingdamit.

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So funny how people can feel so differently about a thing. I, and most people I, know far prefer text to a call. I can deal with the issue on my time, and I write better than I speak. Plus, there's a record of our discussion.

(Ow. Initially I wrote that I write better "then" I speak. Oh dear.)

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President pro tempore of the Senate, aka Orrin Hatch.

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IOKIYAR. Just keep saying that to yourself. It helps to understand.

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That picture of Pence is ALMOST more punch-able than ANY picture of Jason Chaffetz!

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Thank you for making me feel better about using MY old AOL account. It would be a humongous pain in the ass to change my email and notify EVERYONE who has my AOL address. I've never had a problem with it, except for getting the side eye from youngs at shops and such when I am asked for my email address.

For the record, I'm not THAT old and AFAIK don't smell *crosses fingers,sniffs pits*.

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I'm not sure if Pence is the wife-beating or child-molesting sort of complete utter failure as a human being, but it would be irresponsible not to speculate.

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I was an early AOL user and go so screwed by them in those early days that I will forever hate them with the fire of a thousand really hot campfires.

I literally had to cancel a credit card to get them to stop billing me after I'd cancelled. Because I was going to the far nerdier Compuserve.

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TRMS has gone above and beyond so, as for our house, we're setting aside Pence & Sessions as yet two more SKWERLS! to keep the heat off our Manchurian candidate, where it rightly belongs. Trump is the alpha-omega of all Russian connections and has been for years. HE is leader of the once-free world who is currently selling out our country to the highest overseas bidder. As such, all diversionary threads must be followed back to the source, wasting no time, energy or (admittedly limited) Democratic cachet on any investigation not crafted specifically to bring down fearless leader, his bride Natasha, devil spawn Uday & Qusay, and likely, chief collaborator Tillerson. Bannon, Miller, Gurka, Anton et. al. will be toppled when it is FINALLY proven that the fish rots from the head.

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unless after '18 and the senate flips.

i know. i know. it's a total longshot. but a girl can dream.

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