FFS, lady - you propped up a fake Rabbi who you know damn well wouldn't be welcomed at your Temple. Drop the fake outrage.

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A late post at this point, but what the fuck.....

There's considerable evidence that the origin of religion was not concerned with manipulating or controlling other people, but to at least negotiate with Nature. War, like prostitution, couldn't exist until agriculture made permanent towns possible, and it's not likely that there was any mystery about how to control people back in the Ice Age day.

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Yeah Pence knew... he just said he didn't then blamed the Jew.

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Well really it is the foundation of Protestantism, which of course is as popular as herpes in the hen housing.

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Definitely not. Despite all the progress we’ve made we still behave essentially like animals. Right now we’re doing our best deer-in-the-headlights on both global warming and creeping fascism.

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A most interesting read; seemingly little recognized by Lutheran church folk. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...https://en.wikipedia.org/wi..._Ein feste Burg_ indeed.

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And whoever said "There are no atheists in foxholes" was never in a foxhole.

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We're not nearly as evolved as we like to think.

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Gott mit uns. In God we Trust.

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Douche.Lieberman, that is.

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I like the implication that kids should believe in whatever "answer" makes them happy, regardless of whether it's true. "It's rainy outside today, but that makes me sad, so MAYBE it's actually sunny outside..? Yay, sunshine! *plays whiffle ball in the rain*"Disclaimer: agnostic, not an atheist

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Holy shit.

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Isn't "fake psychic" redundant? Only half kidding. Since I started working in fraud and realized that every single business account we've ever had for a "psychic" never paid us a dime, it has really made me think that anyone who is employed as a psychic is a charlatan.

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"Also, come on Lena, it's religious intolerance to criticize you for booking the wrong speaker?"

Yeah, I think jumping to that only flies if you had invited someone totally unrelated. If it was really about religious unity or some such thing, she should have also invited a Krishna, an Imam, and a flying spaghetti witness. Yeah right, lady, we aren't buying that excuse.

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Yes, and they should imitate Christ and call out the hypocrites who put on embroidered garments but inwardly are ravening wolves.

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Is there anything about which they won't lie?

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