The Thomases are like Medieval clerics, pontificating and harangueing us mere mortals, all the while amassing untold fortunes and living like kings and queens. What a pair of moral gutter snipes.

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20 min ago

I stand on the edge of the coulee region in Wisconsin on the lookout for murderers, rapists, and I assume that some are nice people; it isn't flat. Yes, I can see Iowa from my sister's boyfriend's farm, be scared, they're hiding something.

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So Pence - who should be the poster boy for white supremacist Christofascists - is trailing not one but TWO men of colour in the polls? Ouch.

His whackjob cult members will never forgive or vote for you, Mikey. Your political career's over anyway. May as well go out in a blaze of Fuck Trump.

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tough man pose - hands on hips - still not someone i could respect

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Somebody give Pence a cookie.

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Pence was done politically when PAB hired him for Veep.

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Pence is all three Wizard of Oz characters rolled into one: No brains, no heart, and no courage.

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I think Pence gets too much shit for striving hard to find some wiggle room, asking the Old Bull if there wasn't SOMETHING he could do. Even Jesus and Tessio put it out there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ScaAUqMJ6c

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Pence always struck me as as a craven politician, doing whatever he could, to position himself as a POTUS candidate.

He wasn’t quite delusional enough, though. He had the unfortunate situation, of recognizing that it might be the teensiest bit of a Constitutional violation, to overturn the election.

Oh, Mike.

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Putin either saw something in Pence he liked, or he saw something in Christie he didn't like.

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He thinks Jesus has tapped him to be president. How is that not delusional.

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There’s Jesus delusional, and then there’s coup delusional.

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well trump did ask him to be VP, so it's his turn to be P now

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"He ain't never gonna be President now, that's one less thing to worry about." - Lin-Manuel Miranda

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After that, he went on to tell the press he had not been alarmed because Trump supporters are not violent. He won't answer whether he'll endorse Trump.

He's like an absent minded dog with a tennis ball. Every time he picks up my respect he drops it seconds later.

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Did Pence pull the old switcheroo on tfg and the magats? He's been kissing tfg's ass since they tried to hang him on 1/6. He has been pretty fearful of criticizing those responsible for the whole plan which unfolded right in front of him. He's singing a different tune now that Mr. Smith has come to town. Mean Mike Pence is probably going to testify at the trial for the prosecution. Pence could definitely help send tfg up the river for the failed coup caper. Republicans testifying against Republicans about things Republicans did. There are tapes and phones and everything, we're just getting started.

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I think he's been kissing Trumps tuchus because he didn't see any other path of survival. Now that the light at the end of the tunnel is turning out to NOT be a train, he's getting his spine back.

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I hate to say it but how differently would things have been if it was Vice President Rudy and he was calling up My Pillow guy for advice.

Pence and Dan Quayle don't deserve too much credit, but at least they weren't willing to go full fascist this one time.

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If it hadn't been Pence, it would have been Chris Christie. Manafort made sure that didn't happen.

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VP Rudy would have been out faster than Spiro Agnew

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Unlike for slugs, salt is probably a good additive for Mike Pence. What might catastrophically overwhelm him is spice.

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Mother won't even allow Miracle Whip in the house. It just overwhelms all the other flavors in a dish.

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Salt is a spice to him.

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And the Spice Grils, uh, Girls, are on the case!

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No Spice Girls! Mother says.

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"You could have Kevin Sorbo record a MAGA-friendly Audible of the Constitution, and Trump supporters still wouldn’t comprehend its meaning. "

And besides, all those pocket Constitutions they'd stuck unread into the back pockets of their jeans during the Obama Presidency got destroyed in the wash.

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Dan Quayle is my cousin. As kids, we knew him as one of our "Indiana cousins," a crew of nice, farm-raised blonds whom we encountered when we traveled to their state for funerals. The excitement on these trips was supplied by livestock and tornadoes, and I never got to know Danny well enough to please my grandmother, who thought he was the pie's eyes, or the pig's knees, or whatever they said in Indiana.

The night of that Murphy Brown show, I had a fundraiser for the Clinton campaign. I remember thinking Quayle had been a good sport about it. He would be gracious in defeat later, too.

I have followed his post-WH career. He seems now like a relic of a non-existent Golden Age, conservative without being an ideologue. My grandmother, a John Birch Society member who thought Anita Bryant hung the moon, might find Danny's later career disappointing. I take pride that the cousin I never knew was ready and able to counsel Mike Pence when it counted.

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thank you for that. what a nice observation.

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I worked at a university writing center with someone who'd had Dan Quayle as a student. He related that Quayle had not been an especially bright student, but also noted that he'd been an exceptionally nice one.

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But he was no Jack Kennedy.

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I've heard that.

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That was my impression of him, too, when I was a kid (which was when he was in office). Sure, he misspelled "potato", and seemed like not the brightest bulb, but being inoffensively pleasant is such a breath of fresh air anymore . . .

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