I like the new campaign slogan for the repubes. Make America H8 again. Nice work.

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I did have children in the 90's. In daycare! While married, I was the chief breadwinner for most of my sons' lives. No one who knows them would think the young men are anything less than decent humans. I am privileged to have son's who are empathetic, generous, responsible, and love their family. I guess it's a fluke.

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Every adult should understand that....

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However, I really did have a child out of wedlock in 1993. Guess which side I was on? No, not the slut side.

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Thank you, but someone else must have come up with that by now, surely? I almost put quotes around it - I was afraid I'd be accused of plagiarism :-)

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And, the fact you read Wonkette....I did not undergo daycare indoctrination, yet also read Wonkette. Guess my data analysis shows statistical significance. I am a sci teacher, and am good at this, obs.

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My uncle made these t-shirts a while back. Not a plagiarism warning, just a like-minded coincidence...

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She pretty much turned the Plaza around and made it a premiere hotel again, single-handedly.

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My scumbag father thought he was too good to work. My mother was thankfully an RN who worked 12 hours a day to support the family, else we would have starved. I'm glad my mother wised up and left the dirtbag at long last.

So what would Pence have said to that situation? That we should have hung around and put up with a fricking psychopath who beat his kids, beat his wife, drank, screwed everything that wasn't nailed down when he wasn't screwing everyone over with his lies and manipulation and otherwise being just about the most worthless dirtbag that ever lived?

We were better off without filth like that in our lives.

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The Masque of the Red Death should be required reading in school.

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My father was the same way--not a damned thing. Child support? Please. He couldn't even bother with birthdays, Christmas, a phone call, a letter or even a lousy post card to tell us if he was alive or dead. We got to see him when I was 4. And when I was 12. Otherwise, he was in the wind.

Then he wondered why, when he decided to pull some kind of con on us when I was 22 and pretended to want to be a father again ((he was never--ever--not manipulating people, so that meant he was up to no good), that I would take the fucker back with open arms?

He got to learn the hard way that actions have consequences, and that karma is a bitch named Aquaria. He died unforgiven and knowing that I hated him with all my being, and I wouldn't even visit him to spit on him. He apparently cried about it when he was dying, how could I be so cruel?

I learned from the best, you fucker, that's how.

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And the MRAs bemoan the passing of that era. They want to make women completely financially dependent on men, so that even losers like them can manage to drive some desperate soul into marrying their lame asses. And, at least for my working Mom, the stigma of being divorced was still enough to keep her with my loser Dad.

Fuck that shit.

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My conservative late ex always wanted me to be home...except when money got tight, then I was supposed to go get a job. Until things got better, and he started resenting having to "babysit" "the kid." After 11 years of that shit, I told him to get a second job if he couldn't keep the bills paid, or stop buying every fucking gun on the market--I was sick of being jerked around.

Apparently that didn't go over really well, as we broke up within a year. He he. Not that that wasn't in the cards anyhow. Conservative men are fucking dumb. Can't stand them.

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Aw, you're still younger than my "baby" who will be 30 this year. Mmm...damn I'm getting old. ;)

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Tut-tut. You're maturing, growing stronger and more flavorful... :0)

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Coincidentally, "A Softness Disappeared" is the name of my new band which performs covers of old Perry Como hits in a heavy metal mood. Raved one enthusiastic critic: "It is what it is."

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