Apparently not visible to most of us, Joe. "Sorry, you are not authorized to see this status." and "This account's Tweets are protected.Only confirmed followers have access to @grimbax's Tweets and complete profile. Click the "Follow" button to send a follow request."

ETA to change "only" to "not" since it made no sense as initially posted. *sigh*

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"But ... we buy oil from them! Those people should get jobs in the oil fields!"

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This may be linked in a way, but al-Shabab is al-Qaeda linked, which means it isn't linked to Iran, so actions that it takes may be taking advantage of new opportunities in the wake of the assassination and heightening of tensions (pretty far away from ground zero for that, but still, it's a globally connected world), but it isn't by any stretch at the direction of the (Shi'ite) Iranians (al-Qaeda and al-Shabab are both Sunni).

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Add to this that Hussein's Iraq fought an incredibly brutal and exhausting war with Iran (led at the time by Khomeini) in the eighties. That's the conflict that gave Suleimani his start. The hostility between the nearly-secular Ba'athist Iraw and Shi'ite Iran was tremendous.

Not so much so now. Suleimani was in Baghdad partly to visit the head of the Iraqi Shi'ite militias, who was also killed in the assassination. Who was also the guy who embarrassed Predniset Thinskin by taking over the outer perimeter of the US embassy in Baghdad.

Winning. Trump just can't stop winning.

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At the time I couldn't figure out why Saddam Hussein wouldn't let UN inspectors into his country, then after it turned out there were no WMD, and it came out that he didn't want to let them in because he didn't actually want Iran to know he didn't have any weapons, I was like "aaaah...yes, now it all makes sense."

Of course the Iranians could fool Bush with false information, because he's a complete dolt. I probably should have mentioned that Dick Cheney outed an American spy (Valerie Plame), because her husband had the audacity to report that there was no yellow cake in Niger. I know Valerie and her husband left the USA for a while because they were so disgusted. I'm not sure if they returned during Obama's presidency, but I'm sure they probably left again after Trump got "elected."

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If this was an actual reality show, instead of an "administration" run by a reality show idiot, the big twist I'd be expecting would be that while McConnell has been publicly stating that Trump has no worries, the Senate is in the tank for him with a show trial, behind the scenes he and Pence have come to an agreement that they'll kick his ass to the curb and then install Pence as the new POTUS. Then the flow of unqualified religious zealots to the bench can continue without all the drama and disruption of Cheeto Benito and his clumsy, obvious criming.

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When your Lord is Satan, those "Commandments" are pretty much meaningless.

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Pompeo! Tell the story of why Iran hates us! Or don't you know? The nuclear agreement we had was a good basis for a new start but I guess that's finished! Still, let's have some context, and keep the other countries out of it. Then people can begin to decide. I mean, you don't just want to kill somebody and then lie about 9/11, do you, so we'll rush into war, do you? Or what on earth did you go to West Point for, and get all those super grades?? Oh, and you can describe King Faisal and the Baghdad Pact, too, and then we can get a feel for Iraq and the Taliban-- oh all that, and why they might like us, what they might want from us...you know... maybe we can avoid a war!

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yeah, I have a lot of issues with Schindler (not least of which: only a couple years ago he was approvingly quoting some low-key white-genocide shit).

I generally think he has some decent knowledge of intel stuff, though. Especially Russia shit. So when he says that some of the hijackers were guests of the IRGC, and that they could only have been in Iran with the government's knowledge, thus blessing, I'm inclined to believe him.

But only inclined. he is, as the kids say, problematic.

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The “portrait” one.

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And thus the forever war opens a new front.

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At least he hasn't blamed Obama...yet.

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Shia Iran helping Sunni Saudi Arabia would be as likely as Lex Luthor giving Superman a lift to the airport on Boxing Day. What part of this do Republicans not understand?

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Oh, she's back, baby. And she's running for Congress. And she made possibly the best political ad evah! https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Yeah but you notice he was in Hawaii vacationing, and then he had planned another holiday not long after, which he was forced to abandon as well. All the while I am trapped here in Melbourne with unhealthy rated air that smells like Eucalyptus, which I hate. My doc says to go where the air is better. I'm thinking maybe back to California!Mrsmc

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All of it, of course. "Alternate facts" are the only ones that count.Besides, they're all A-rabs, ain't they?

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