OK. Sort you don't like borrowing money. Bully for you. With the demographic info you presented, you're well and truly fucked if you get cancer or you daughter gets sick. Sure, private charity might help some, but unless you just give up and drop dead, you're going into debt in a big way to get treatment. Without Medicare and Medicaid and laws requiring hospitals to treat you, you and the people you work with would be left on the side of the road, by people just like your own self centered little John Galt persona
So you really didn't read what I said did you? Programs like Medicare and Medicare wouldn't be needed if the government kept it in the private sector.
How long would it take for you to go broke if every time you made $100 I took $60 of it and gave you nothing in return? How long would it take you to tell me to go fuck myself and keep my hands off your money?
Yet you think it's okay for the Democrats to do it. I wouldn't have to go into serious debt if the government wasn't involved. I could take $100 put it into an HSA and grow it through mutual funds and actually get $100 worth of medical care for my $100. AND hospitals give discounts for cash so it would be more like getting $120 worth of medical care for $100 cash.
The Democrats give you $40 worth of medical care for your $100 and you think that's better? REALLY? This had nothing to do with me borrowing money, it has to do with the fact that you trust complete strangers to distribute your money for you and when they rip you off you're okay with it.
The fact that they have duped you into believing that these programs are NOT paid for by YOU completely baffles me. Where do you think the government gets the money for Medicare / Medicaid? You think they just pull it out of thin air?
I give you an option that puts you in control, limits your risks, and maximizes your money's spending power and I'm self centered? Seriously?
You and I are already paying for these programs, but we don't get half of what we pay for and you're okay with that? You like paying doctors more than they're worth? Because they raise their rates because of insurance and have dine so even more since Obama care was implemented and you're okay with that?
If these programs didn't exist and I was able to take the money myself and do what the system is designed to let me do I would pay fair compensation for medical treatment not this over inflated government fiat monetary system.
I guess you should explain how impossible socialized health care is to literally every other industrialized country on the planet, they seem to be operating under the delusion that it's not only possible, but results in lower costs across the board for better services...
At least you're slightly grasping the concept. Why do you think it's become this way? Do you think it's the private sector or government?
The fiat money system does not balance things and the Democrats embrace it. The private sector always balances itself out. If you sell a product that no one can afford you go out of business unless you find an equalibrium. The Democrats keep robbing Peter to pay Paul and think that that is a sustainable model. It can't work that way.
I can't understand why democrats keep fighting me on this. I guess if you like others controlling your fate maybe you should all move to Russia or China because their government takes care of their people so well. I guess that's also why as a nation we have 5 times as many people immigrating to this country than the second place contender.
You say new corporate masters, I say that is a direct result of entitlements. As I said you tax the rich they raise their price, which means you pay the tax not them and you lose all your control and spending power because they need to get paid to do your job. That gives these large corporations more power.
Again with the cryptic metaphor. You've not presented any argument. The only platitudes or insults here are coming from you.
Everything I've said is 100% valid. Please point out one thing that I've said that is false and bring a debatable discussing to the table instead of simply trying to bring a perceivable intellectual insult into play.
No, the private sector does not always balance itself out. Not without huge costs to the public, who are generally NOT PREPARED to get screwed by greedy CEOs and shareholders. You think you are living a bubble. You are not. This is a country, on a planet with other nations and people. It's all connected and complicated no matter how much you wish it wasn't.
Wait, what? How does the government keep it in the private sector? Also may I suggest reading any basic history of pre and early industrial Europe or America. Because I don't think Work Houses and poor houses or orphan trains would work well in this day and age.
Part 2 The government takes about 25 cents of every dollar I make. I return I get roads, airports, trains, schools, some healthcare, partially educated children and old people not having to eat cat food or starve. They still can't afford their medication, so the free market has fucked up there. Killing their own best customers, they are. Also WTF are you talking about trusting strangers with money? Unless you live in a tiny village and everything is on a barter system, you have to trust somebody to handle your money. Are you living off the grid and creating your own WiFi with a bicycle generator? You sir, are a loon of the first water. I was warned and I admit I fell for it because I was bored, but really, you are a complete no hoper and no longer welcome. Shoo! and when the shit hits the fan, just remember we told you so.
I believe that's called volunteering. You know, that thing that you think is the solution to social ills. Or parenting. I understand that doesn't pay well either.
I think you should recheck your figures. You definitely don't get better health care and if you think a tax rate at over 50% of your income is less expensive then by all means. This is what I have to say to all those people who think every other industrialized nation is so much better than the USA. GO THERE and let those of us who believe in what the founding fathers actual fought for (i.e. our own monetary system devoid of a centralized bank) enjoy our attempts at getting it back to that goal.
Why do socialists insist on changing what worked? If socialism is so awesome move to a country where it is previlant and enjoy. You don't move to Minnesota and ask them to make it sunny because you don't like the snow. You move to Florida and get what you want and let the snow lovers live in misery right?
I don't trust the government to do what's right with my money. I won't donate to charity either. I will donate my time and help others, but I won't give it to someone to distribute it for me. Why? Because they need to get paid and only a fraction of what I donate goes to the actual charity just like the government.
I can tell you this with absolute certainty. Shrines hospital and the Ronald McDonald house have done more for children in need than any government agency ever conceived and they are both privately funded. I've seen more doctors in the us donate their services to people in need than any government official has ever thought about doing for ANY ONE in need or not.
As I said I've worked with people with special needs and I've watched the government take away things like dental (which people with autism need far more than anyone of us) while private dentist have bent over backwards to help. So please explain to me how the government does such a better job because I've yet to see it in my life time .
Greedy ceo''s are created by government entitlements. You're not getting it. If you incentivise business owners to match HSA contributions you're actually able to tax them because their whole goal is to avoid paying taxes. Either they give it right directly to you in an HSA contribution or they raise their prices to pay for an outrageous tax that you eventually pay for and get 1/4 of what you contribute.
I'm not trying to be condescending here but you do not understand economics at all.
No. Greed is a basic animal drive. I've got mine and I want yours too. Why is a business going to pay into an HSA if it won't even pay a basic living wage, or give people sick leave? You have a very narrow view of how things work. There are things other than taxes threatening the human species, never mind our particular little society. All further responses will be answered simply with NO and flagged for the dust bin. If you'd like your little libertarian wall-papering adventure to be preserved for posterity on Wonkette, let this be the end. Otherwise, you might make a brief appearance in the Deleted Comments of the Week
I live in Canada, I am not taxed to death and I have excellent health care that I can use whenever I want for whatever reason with no out of pocket expenses. You have no idea what you're talking about. None. And for the record, no, Ronald McDonald House and other charities have not done more to help children in need than the government, not even close. That's a ridiculous statement based on scale alone.
OK. Sort you don't like borrowing money. Bully for you. With the demographic info you presented, you're well and truly fucked if you get cancer or you daughter gets sick. Sure, private charity might help some, but unless you just give up and drop dead, you're going into debt in a big way to get treatment. Without Medicare and Medicaid and laws requiring hospitals to treat you, you and the people you work with would be left on the side of the road, by people just like your own self centered little John Galt persona
So you really didn't read what I said did you? Programs like Medicare and Medicare wouldn't be needed if the government kept it in the private sector.
How long would it take for you to go broke if every time you made $100 I took $60 of it and gave you nothing in return? How long would it take you to tell me to go fuck myself and keep my hands off your money?
Yet you think it's okay for the Democrats to do it. I wouldn't have to go into serious debt if the government wasn't involved. I could take $100 put it into an HSA and grow it through mutual funds and actually get $100 worth of medical care for my $100. AND hospitals give discounts for cash so it would be more like getting $120 worth of medical care for $100 cash.
The Democrats give you $40 worth of medical care for your $100 and you think that's better? REALLY? This had nothing to do with me borrowing money, it has to do with the fact that you trust complete strangers to distribute your money for you and when they rip you off you're okay with it.
The fact that they have duped you into believing that these programs are NOT paid for by YOU completely baffles me. Where do you think the government gets the money for Medicare / Medicaid? You think they just pull it out of thin air?
I give you an option that puts you in control, limits your risks, and maximizes your money's spending power and I'm self centered? Seriously?
You and I are already paying for these programs, but we don't get half of what we pay for and you're okay with that? You like paying doctors more than they're worth? Because they raise their rates because of insurance and have dine so even more since Obama care was implemented and you're okay with that?
If these programs didn't exist and I was able to take the money myself and do what the system is designed to let me do I would pay fair compensation for medical treatment not this over inflated government fiat monetary system.
I guess you should explain how impossible socialized health care is to literally every other industrialized country on the planet, they seem to be operating under the delusion that it's not only possible, but results in lower costs across the board for better services...
At least you're slightly grasping the concept. Why do you think it's become this way? Do you think it's the private sector or government?
The fiat money system does not balance things and the Democrats embrace it. The private sector always balances itself out. If you sell a product that no one can afford you go out of business unless you find an equalibrium. The Democrats keep robbing Peter to pay Paul and think that that is a sustainable model. It can't work that way.
I can't understand why democrats keep fighting me on this. I guess if you like others controlling your fate maybe you should all move to Russia or China because their government takes care of their people so well. I guess that's also why as a nation we have 5 times as many people immigrating to this country than the second place contender.
You say new corporate masters, I say that is a direct result of entitlements. As I said you tax the rich they raise their price, which means you pay the tax not them and you lose all your control and spending power because they need to get paid to do your job. That gives these large corporations more power.
Again with the cryptic metaphor. You've not presented any argument. The only platitudes or insults here are coming from you.
Everything I've said is 100% valid. Please point out one thing that I've said that is false and bring a debatable discussing to the table instead of simply trying to bring a perceivable intellectual insult into play.
By the way. Would you work for free?
No, the private sector does not always balance itself out. Not without huge costs to the public, who are generally NOT PREPARED to get screwed by greedy CEOs and shareholders. You think you are living a bubble. You are not. This is a country, on a planet with other nations and people. It's all connected and complicated no matter how much you wish it wasn't.
Wait, what? How does the government keep it in the private sector? Also may I suggest reading any basic history of pre and early industrial Europe or America. Because I don't think Work Houses and poor houses or orphan trains would work well in this day and age.
Part 2 The government takes about 25 cents of every dollar I make. I return I get roads, airports, trains, schools, some healthcare, partially educated children and old people not having to eat cat food or starve. They still can't afford their medication, so the free market has fucked up there. Killing their own best customers, they are. Also WTF are you talking about trusting strangers with money? Unless you live in a tiny village and everything is on a barter system, you have to trust somebody to handle your money. Are you living off the grid and creating your own WiFi with a bicycle generator? You sir, are a loon of the first water. I was warned and I admit I fell for it because I was bored, but really, you are a complete no hoper and no longer welcome. Shoo! and when the shit hits the fan, just remember we told you so.
I believe that's called volunteering. You know, that thing that you think is the solution to social ills. Or parenting. I understand that doesn't pay well either.
I think you should recheck your figures. You definitely don't get better health care and if you think a tax rate at over 50% of your income is less expensive then by all means. This is what I have to say to all those people who think every other industrialized nation is so much better than the USA. GO THERE and let those of us who believe in what the founding fathers actual fought for (i.e. our own monetary system devoid of a centralized bank) enjoy our attempts at getting it back to that goal.
Why do socialists insist on changing what worked? If socialism is so awesome move to a country where it is previlant and enjoy. You don't move to Minnesota and ask them to make it sunny because you don't like the snow. You move to Florida and get what you want and let the snow lovers live in misery right?
I don't trust the government to do what's right with my money. I won't donate to charity either. I will donate my time and help others, but I won't give it to someone to distribute it for me. Why? Because they need to get paid and only a fraction of what I donate goes to the actual charity just like the government.
I can tell you this with absolute certainty. Shrines hospital and the Ronald McDonald house have done more for children in need than any government agency ever conceived and they are both privately funded. I've seen more doctors in the us donate their services to people in need than any government official has ever thought about doing for ANY ONE in need or not.
As I said I've worked with people with special needs and I've watched the government take away things like dental (which people with autism need far more than anyone of us) while private dentist have bent over backwards to help. So please explain to me how the government does such a better job because I've yet to see it in my life time .
Greedy ceo''s are created by government entitlements. You're not getting it. If you incentivise business owners to match HSA contributions you're actually able to tax them because their whole goal is to avoid paying taxes. Either they give it right directly to you in an HSA contribution or they raise their prices to pay for an outrageous tax that you eventually pay for and get 1/4 of what you contribute.
I'm not trying to be condescending here but you do not understand economics at all.
No. Greed is a basic animal drive. I've got mine and I want yours too. Why is a business going to pay into an HSA if it won't even pay a basic living wage, or give people sick leave? You have a very narrow view of how things work. There are things other than taxes threatening the human species, never mind our particular little society. All further responses will be answered simply with NO and flagged for the dust bin. If you'd like your little libertarian wall-papering adventure to be preserved for posterity on Wonkette, let this be the end. Otherwise, you might make a brief appearance in the Deleted Comments of the Week
I live in Canada, I am not taxed to death and I have excellent health care that I can use whenever I want for whatever reason with no out of pocket expenses. You have no idea what you're talking about. None. And for the record, no, Ronald McDonald House and other charities have not done more to help children in need than the government, not even close. That's a ridiculous statement based on scale alone.
Keep baling. The solidity of your "logic" may be your only life preserver on 11/09/2016.
Ciao Baby!
Keep suckling on that tit, because you've no other way of supporting yourself.