He's not the brightest fly on the head.

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LOL, his face doesn't match much of anything alive.

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That... seems like a good idea?

From Dick Cheney?

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"To everyone who's got the same hair color as me, nothing's gonna change for you" but younger Americans would get "better choices," like the chance for their own retirement savings to go into the stock market and grow, or be wiped out in a market panic.

It's obviously bullshit, but this how we know it's bullshit. If it really was better, then why exclude current retirees or those close to retirement age from these "better choices"?

ETA: in addition to screwing people over and ensuring they can't retire and have to work until they die, this is also a massive giveaway to the private equity people, right? I'm sure they'd love the chance to invest all of that money, make handsome commissions, and then walk away when the market tanks and people lose half of their savings.

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When it's all laid out like it is in the Fox graphic, how can anyone be against that? Well, at least the stuff that isn't about LGBTQIA, women's, or any other minority rights, because Fox.

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Bush 2 took a trillion dollars to finance wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The American people would like their money back, please.

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I'm all for any plan that causes people to not want to be billionaires.

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As far as the part where they count on the stupidity and inability of a large chunk of the citizenry to understand how something works the GQP does have a clear understanding of the best way to get their plans enacted.

And they called me cynical.

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I'm 73 & don't have any gray hair, it's still brown!

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Pence's idea to privatize Social Security will only work if we change the name to Derivative Security.Oh, and just in case anyone forgot, it is accepted legal policy that brokers do NOT work for the best interests of their customers but for the best interests of the firm that employs them. That's been true for many, many moons, however, way back when if the firm fuqed up the brokers usually took their customers with them to a better firm. There ain't no better firm these days.

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Speaking as an oldz, I wanna know why the youngsters get the great deal, and I'm stuck with my crappy Social Security? Don't the R's are about me?(My Social Security is not crappy)

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Like WE had any say in the matter?

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That was solved years ago - at least in decent society. The answer is OVER becsue people who had problems with their hands and/or finger have a much harder time when the paper is against the wall

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Whale oil for the win!

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Wel, you can't really blame him as Preisndet Cheney was the boss then...

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Since we are leaving our grandchildren an unlivable planet they may as well be broke too.

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