Something to consider, though, is that no official may transmit information to the public unless it's been first approved by Pence. That doesn't bode well when Trump's primary concern about the pandemic is how it might affect his reelection chances.
I remember the Drug Czar Ex-Florida (failed) Gov Bob Martinez under Bush.He had a running feud with 2Live Crew, over the language in their album with "Me So Horny".
BTW, last I saw, there are 33 cases of cv in California, and you know what that means: God is PISSED, and he’s had it with the liberal/socialist/communist all around evildoers who live here. As this may be my last post, I plan to seek forgiveness. As soon as I pour one or two more glasses of wine, a tasty California red blend that I purchased this morning. In Reno. Praise God from whom all blessings flow......
It's time for earth to join the solar system. And, how wasteful it is to lose one's mind.And, it is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Soon, anytime now, please!
Honestly it's a good thing that I have learned I could never commit suicide. Because this shit going on makes me *feel* suicidal. Welp, off to listen to som Leonard Cohen to cheer up from what I feel right now :-)
Something to consider, though, is that no official may transmit information to the public unless it's been first approved by Pence. That doesn't bode well when Trump's primary concern about the pandemic is how it might affect his reelection chances.
I remember the Drug Czar Ex-Florida (failed) Gov Bob Martinez under Bush.He had a running feud with 2Live Crew, over the language in their album with "Me So Horny".
BTW, last I saw, there are 33 cases of cv in California, and you know what that means: God is PISSED, and he’s had it with the liberal/socialist/communist all around evildoers who live here. As this may be my last post, I plan to seek forgiveness. As soon as I pour one or two more glasses of wine, a tasty California red blend that I purchased this morning. In Reno. Praise God from whom all blessings flow......
The Trump Cinematic Universe has the worst superheroes. Even their costumes suck.
It was actually 60, thanks to the 45 people from the Japanese Cruise ship that he flew home.
This one?
They couldn't afford to lose more funding.
He doesn't do math well.
*hugs* Good healing to you.
Post pics when you can! I went a few years back. Best party ever!
I didn't know that. I took those lyrics just as play on Full Metal Jacket.
It's time for earth to join the solar system. And, how wasteful it is to lose one's mind.And, it is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Soon, anytime now, please!
Honestly it's a good thing that I have learned I could never commit suicide. Because this shit going on makes me *feel* suicidal. Welp, off to listen to som Leonard Cohen to cheer up from what I feel right now :-)
Oh, I think they sampled that line from there, the song is pretty funny.I always sign off notes to my girlfriends "Me Love you, long time."