Ol' Pompous gets a merit badge for "Ability to Twist Self in Knots" to sell people vaporous speculation.

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Just smart enough to be dangerous

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Nah, It was BAT BOY! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Shorter version of Trump horseshit: "It's China's fault!!!!"Because "It's W.H.O.'s fault!!!!" didn't fly.These fuckwads are utterly shameless.

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Welcome to Planet Trump, where what's real is whatever Donnie Dumbfuck needs to be real at the moment. You'd be amazed at how many people live there, on purpose.

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I now worry that smarter, more capable* people than I are handling the business of ruining America.

*of fuckery

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Projection, with no sense of irony, seems to be an operating principle for this entire maladministration.

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That last frame is pretty much how I see Donnie on January 21, 2021.

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Kansas has a pretty poor record on that score, too. What's his point?

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Can it be written to cover Jared as well? No cartoon villains, period!

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The problem with that theory is that there's no way to select for "new improved" strains, unless they've got a whole lot of human subjects at their (literal) disposal.

It's all deflection and horseshit, being made to stick with the help of shameless liars like Pompeo and Barr and Fucks Gnus. And they're fucking up international relations with it, just to help cover Donnie Dumbfuck's incompetent orange ass. In a just world, these fuckers would be jailed for life.

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At least, according to this article, the virus is similar to other coronavirus forms found in bats and pangolins, but there is no indication of direct bat to human transfer. The virus likely transferred through an intermediate host. The virus attaches to a protein structure that is shared by other animals, which is one of the things that makes it contagious.


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West Point attracts authoritarian careerist ass-kissers, not smart people.

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Poor ol` Mr Pompous - sad .

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The trouble is that the good information is frequently not easy to grasp, and can't appeal to the prejudices, hatreds, and cognitive dissonance of the rubes. Misinformation is designed to do precisely that. The illusion of understanding is much more easily produced than the real thing.

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I stopped dropping acid during my year in the Viet Nam war. Waited until the day I got back. Set and setting, as Dr Leary used to say.

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