the couple almost split with Trump in 2016 over the "Grab 'Em By The Pussy" tape

Horseshoes and hand grenades, Schlapps.

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Reinterpreting sex discrimination to include trans people was always a crap shoot. For things like Title IX or employment discrimination, sure, easy call, but when the military can play the 'troop readiness and morale' card and the tendency of Washington to forget that the military is not the boss of them, well.

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Very good point, however, or too, there is a pretty wide swath of a case law for the GOP V to ignore.

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Nope, we aren't. We just had the former VP of Google run for Secretary of State but he lost bc Dem, of course.

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When I was married I humored my ex-Army ex with the names of our houses: Fort Waco, Rosedale Arsenal, and Fort Providence. All were in Kansas, but both of us left.

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And she was only a light colonel. Probably makes her castrate harder.

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Old Charles Koch of Wichita,the billionaire fossil fuel heir, unhinged John Bircher, and destroyer of democracy, is and always has been Pompeo's special sugar daddy.

Back when Pompeo was a remarkably ineffective member of the House of Representatives from the suffering state of Kansas, he was known among his colleagues (not affectionately) as the "Congressman from Koch" for the one consistent characteristic of his time in office, the only real constant this dull-witted little man was capable of producing---his fervent, total, unquestioning loyalty to old Charles, and his remarkable willingness to twist and bend himself into a reactionary pretzel to make Charles happy.

Then he became the Secretary of State from Koch, in the most Koch-heavy Cabinet in history, and we've seen, well, not much, except that Charles has profited from it, whatever it's been.

And now, with Mitch's guidance (Mitch, too, owes his career in politics to the cabal that has formed around the vicious old trust fund brat), he is slated to become the Senator from Koch.

Big Oil, having poisoned earth, air, and water, having overseen the deaths of oceans and the mass extinctions of species, seems to be quite determined to take out democracy as well. So far, so good.

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You get many cudos 'n cookies. Please deliver again!

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--and Morning Joe letting tRump have all free air time he wanted.

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It brings me no joy as a trans person to say things like that, but as a lawyer I tend to see how these things will play out.

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Mitch is trying to find Mike a more permanent home in the swamp he so lovingly cultivates.

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Vey iz mir. Thanks, $5F.

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Ain't nothing gray about Kansas! Kansas is brown and tan sandstone, with a layer of green in the spring and early summer (in the eastern half).

I've read the Annotated Wizard of Oz. Baum had never really been in Kansas. He'd just ridden through on a train once. He farmed in North Dakota, which *is* gray. Also, Dorothy's description of crop planting times matches what works in NoDak, not what works in Kansas. He placed her in Kansas because it was a faraway place his kids had never seen.

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What help are you seeking?

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He, a high school graduate retired regular army NCO and some 17 years older; She, a college graduate with a master degree and retired National Guard field grade officer. Can't see any points of friction there.

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Not smiling. It's just gas.

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