Or campaign in Arizona instead of Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Wisconsin. ;-)

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I would have been proud to have you as a classmate.

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"Look, there's nothing unusual about the President asking his friends for a favor related to his political opponents, and frankly, even if he did it eight times during one call, it was so ordinary that simply I forgot I was listening in from the bedroom extension! By the way, I have a terrific recipe for fudge if any of you are interested in talking about something else."

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“ya, that’s the ticket” was one of my tax law prof’s go-to lines. Along with “and that’s a bad thing” to be clear.

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Got any good risotto recipes?

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Well, the Republicans have already set a precedence of impeaching over blowing off...

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This book was prompted by a real life incident that left Lyndon Johnson without the ability to smooth down a plank for a terrifying four hours.

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Be best!

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And now he's pulling this out of his a$$:


Why didn't the committees start with subpeonas?

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"It’s the world where they don’t have to feel “the ickies” by being forced to acknowledge or think about anyone else’s sexuality or gender if they don’t understand it, or it is different from theirs."

There are things I find particularly distasteful. Things like people who torture animals and other things I have no power to do anything about.

And I choose not to think about those things because they make me feel horrible and helpless.

Right wingers LOVE to whine about gay people in particular. Especially right wing males love to obsess about the specifics of gay male sex acts.

For people who find it "disgusting" and "unnatural" they sure choose to spend a lot of their time thinking about it.

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how much hash do you put in the fudge?

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Unless it's right wing kids. We don't hear too much from right wing kids though because right wingers generally don't have social skills, creativity, intelligence or anything else that would prompt the media to pay any particular attention to one of them who had something to say.

But when they do the right wing is all about it.

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Pompeo and Barr and Trump, sitting in a tree...

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The hits just keep on coming.

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Pompeo just had the fucking nerve to say none of these people will show up to testify in response to the Congressional subpoenas. I don't think he has any jurisdiction over former employees, but I hope they roast his fat ass for obstruction.

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