Pompous is a piece of shit. That is all.

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Like those white college boys who get pissed off at professors who teach history as it really was? I personally don’t get it. I read People’s History by Howard Zinn when I was in my late twenties and I didn’t come out of it hating White people. It made me understand racism and America better. It cleared up a lot of questions. American history is taught specifically to indoctrinate us into being good citizens. Especially those who are white.

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I'm quite certain that Pompeo would be marching right along with the people supporting all those causes he cited, just like we saw him supporting Black Lives Matter. oh, that wasn't him?

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Donald Trump/Mike Pompeo/"virtuous" America. You're killin' me.

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Pompeo would've made a pretty good Ranter. And if he'd been around for the English Civil War, he might have created his own little faction of Roundheads—the Knobheads, he'd call them, full of pride in his innovation.

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"From Seneca Falls, to Brown vs. Board of Education, to the peaceful marches led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Americans have always laid claims to their promised inheritance of unalienable rights." And in every one of those cases, suffrage, integration, civil rights, there were fat bastards just like you doing violence to them and saying that they were out of line and it was your version of America that mattered not theirs.

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Absolutely - Americans needed to laid claims to their rights because those rights were being withheld by other Americans.

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For some white Americans, they've been doing victory laps since 1776.

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Plus the 17th century British Bill of Rights and Petition of Right.

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And some people make Ray Charles look sighted

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Republicans are raised on fear and hate. It's the core of the Republican religion. It's basically all they have - even the insatiable greed is more a based on a belief that enough money will protect them from Those Others, which is what they fear and hate the most. And a tiny part of how that fear and hate comes out is the fanatic belief that if they can just make sure that everyone only knows the Approved Teachings, why everything will be just fine - no uprisings; no resistance at all. Ideally, we all are to be Home-schooled, but in every educational institution, where we will only be taught what we need to know.

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Also, we all get ponies.

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That was only Massachusetts. Although persecuting every other (Eeeeevillllll!!11!1!1!!!!) religion does seem to be hardwired into the brains of many of us.

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And there would be no laws against cannibalism.

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Love is when every time she does one of those things you find it endearing rather than annoying and want to immediately grab her and nomnomnom.

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It's just words - Republicans don't actually believe any of that crap. Those are for the suckers.

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