As Germany's Der Spiegel reports, the other G-7 nations rejected Pompeo's label of COVID-19 as "the Wuhan virus."

Well, you know, Wuhan ain't nothin' ta fuck wit.

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There’s a great follow up called “I Moved Your Cheese.” I like it much better.

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I read this in the Doc Holliday voice assumes by Val Kilmer in “Tombstone” and it is in fact the content I crave.

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Well, his head is so far up Trump's ass he can see Hannity, and that would help explain the utter dumb-fuck state of his existence right about now. But he was always a weasel and a hypocrite who would lick the buttered side of a piece of bread he'd fished out of a toilet.

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Sure, they think that now when there are 3287 dead Chinese and 1032 dead Americans. But they're going to be really sick of losing the war 5 months from now when there are 4000 dead Chinese and 1.2 million dead Americans.

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Warzone medical triage.An healthcare system in the middle of a catastrophe and short on resources. This is that it looks like. Six months ago, I wouldn't have believed I would see it in my lifetime in a First-World country.

Some similar hard decisions are happening in Italy right now.France, UK... I hope we are not next. But we may well be.

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Lilian Jackson Braun has a series of murder novels like that.The hero, Jim Qwilleran, has two Siamese cats. Oh, he manages to figure out whodunit by himself. But usually after that the cats point to a clue. Or, in at least one case, catch and maul the murderer.

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I hope I don't contract the Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG Zoom-Boing Z'nourrwringmm Virus!

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Actually they're big serious ass bitches.

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Yeah. Think about that. As Stephen Colbert said, "Okay, I'm thinking about it." Three seconds of cogitation later, he concluded, "You're a monster."

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Yes, they are.Yes, they are.Yes, they are.

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Cats are fuckin' libertarians, you just know it.

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Apart from the issue of whether the resuscitation attempt could be successful, there is the fact that endotracheal intubation, CPR and even BiPAP are procedures that aerosolize viral particles all over the damn place. So resuscitating one person puts a great many others at risk. This is likely why healthcare workers get sick and die in such large numbers.

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It's all about pushing a narrative that Trump is not to blame for any of his fuckups, this thing spread solely because China lied early on, and so we should all love and praise Trump for trying so desperately to save us all. Try to forget about the months during which Trump called this a "hoax" or the fact that he's calling for ending the lockdowns early, or saying tests are available when they're not, or that cures are available when they're not, or not providing ventilators and telling governors to fend for themselves. Ignore all of that, blame China instead, you're getting sleepy, look in my eyes, just in my eyes....

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As always, just a few sentences in, and my jaw's on the floor. "Wuhan! Or we won't play!" The human race. Killed by Republican messaging. Or should I say, "Frank Luntz Disease."

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Trump started to consistently refer to this as the Chinese virus right around the time that China was supposedly supporting a conspiracy theory that the US Army was responsible for the virus. So, yes, moronic, petty ass little bitches. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03...

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