Then there's the Wesen. Better steer clear.

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Could it be that Obama is the only political figure they actually recognize? That they couldn't name their Representative or Senator to save their lives?

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Whatever man. I'm more of Minesweeper guy myself, but to each his own.

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I like the Hendrix version where he says her breath smelt like wet pussy.

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I'm a millennial, and I don't know who Lena Dunham is!

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MARGIN OF ERROR ALERT- +/- 2.1 percentage points survey-wide. Half think one thing; half thing the other.

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Yep, but Van did write the song, in all it's three-chord majesty. Only "Astral Weeks," with a minimalist<i> two </i>chords (A-major and D -major, for all you aspiring geezer rock stars) surpassed it.

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No, but if he paid their American Express bills without questioning any of the charges, he'd do better in the polls.

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Kids today! Back in my day we had the fashion sense to wear our onions and not eat them and when we had a government official that we didn’t take a hankerin’ to we gave them the old 23 skidoo treatment... with VOTES!!!!1!

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You'd probably get the same numbers if you asked them if they wanted to recall Romney.

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Dear Editrix,

Fuck you, too! I don't really follow how this makes millenials different from the Baby Boomers and Gen X-ers. (Everyone's an asshole. Or at least about half of everyone.)

Your faithful reader,

delaney_blom, a millenial (I think, what's the year range for this?)

PS My mom's really going to let you have it when I tell her about this.

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But is it okay if we're sitting in a room <i>near</i> a pair of pants? I'm still a little shaky on the Wonkette Code of Conduct.

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Uh, Professor, I tbought "Gloria" was a song by Van Morrison. Did I do something wrong? And will this be on the test?

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Note to POTUS: just pat them on the head. A little praise does wonders with this demographic.

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<i>I don’t like punk music and Patti Smith is dumb.</i>

That's so cute. Do they also say "pisgetti"?

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