Pretty metal, that.

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It's a feel-good story about a rascally general who devises a wacky plan to thwart an ineffectual liberal President and defeat the Soviet Union?

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Paul McCartney and 4 of the 5 original Stones libel!

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In a tinfoil hat mood? Here's Pat "Harry Truman" suggesting that Obama use nucular weaponry against our sworn enemies. As, you know, Mr. Harry did.

"Mr. President, you occupy the position of leader of the free world. If you don’t act now, and act decisively, with the full force of the weapons you have – which America has not used since those two bombs in 1945 – you will forever be condemned for not sparing the world the full force of these demonic enemies when you could have!"

Read more (if you can stomach it) at http://www.wnd.com/2015/02/...

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So who's his daughter fucking these days?

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<i>What if the elected president and his attorney general...</i>

At least this president is elected, and not court-appointed.

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I remain astonished at right wing nut jobs like Pat Boone who HATE HATE HATE America so much they don't trust we can put people on trial for crimes or treat them like POWs according to treaties we've signed. HEY PAT BOONE: If you don't like America, move to Somalia.

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Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war room.

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OMG! Fab and awful all at once! Kurt is spinning in his grave. Horn section kills it!

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"This is the 50th anniversary of the film “Doctor Strangelove...There’s a different scenario unfolding in this country today."

He says that like it was a bad thing?

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Who knew The Onion had a record label?

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"Where else would I find out about what washed-up people I couldn't care less about think?"

That's what Facebook is for.

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They're right to worrry - we wouldn't want to increase the number of jihadis in Yemen by 0.002%.

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He should sit back down in it, before he hurts himself.

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That's .... ironic.

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Doubly amusing, if you consider Pat's little dust-up with the law a few years back.

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