In 5 years I'm elgible for about $900 a month in social security (higher then due to COLAs I hope). I've never made more than $28,000 in my life. I've been basically unemployed for almost 6 years, having worked for cash in food service and now on a farm. HOW ABOUT SOMEONE ELSE <b>SACRIFICING FOR A FUCKING WHILE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?</b>

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Stalin had a new one, every five years.

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Half-way between rational and Republican is still pretty fucking nuts, even if you label it "Centrist".

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I think it is possible to set up a terminal care directive that means "Keep doing everything you can, until my money is used up".

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What about the nail ladies?

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And when it comes to seeing the other options, or hearing both sides of an argument, Helen Keller would have been a better bet.

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You know, I am one of the oldest boomers (born in 1947) and I am not yet on Medicare. As it happens, I have voted straight Democratic for my entire life, and I oppose privatization of Social Security or Medicare. There are lots of other boomers who share these views. Unfortunately, there are also lots of boomers who don't -- because there are, simply, lots of boomers.

BTW, Paul Ryan is 42.

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But Romney has pretty adamantly stated that he isn't going to release any more tax info. So, I'd think that stirring a little shit is appropriate. If Romney sticks to his guns and stays dummied up, at least it extracts a little payment in the form of increased suspicion. And, if he does cave in and release more returns, I think we can be fairly sure that at a minimum they will show that he routinely pays relatively small taxes on enormous income.

I see this as just a jab, trying to draw a response. The smartest thing Romney's team could do would be to ignore it (and if they do, I expect Reid to let it drop).

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<i>The centrists are worse than the GOP</i>.

We're gonna have to disagree about that one, prommie. Although it may just come down to definition, e.g., calling Bill Keller a "centrist" is like calling a Teabagger an "independent".

(Keller is the son of former chairman and chief executive of the Chevron Corporation, George M. Keller.)

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Well, inspired by BSL's comment above, and your possibly intentional introductory clause, teh google was easy. Hairy shit, indeed.

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so millionaire Bill Keller feels everyone but him and his friends needs to suffer for the sins of the GWB administration? Sounds like the <a href="http:\/\/thinkprogress.org\/yglesias\/2010\/08\/02\/198090\/the-pundits-fallacy\/\?mobile=nc" target="_blank">pundit's fallacy</a>. (Thanks to <a href="http:\/\/www.theamericanconservative...\/larison\/we-have-already-seen-the-daniels-campaign-it-was-called-the-huntsman-campaign\/" target="_blank">Larrison</a> and MY for pointing this type of error out).

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