don't tease me, bro

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James Damore of Google memo fame confirmed a week ago that Milo had not contacted him to invite him to Berkeley. It seems that Milo's vaunted organizational skills were ghost-written, just like his columns.

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He was dictatorial but more in the sense of Augustus than Mussolini: he basically subordinated all the democratic power bases to himself, then proclaimed himself emperor. But he was interested in developing the nation rather than in enforcing a worldview, so the regime wasn't totalitarian.

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I'm terribly sorry but faggot is not appropriate for anyone. At all.

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Well... not everybody - just hiis own idiotic followers and fellow morans. The rest of us always knew he was full of shit and this is just a new way his shittiness is expressing itself.

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Not sure who is this 'baked alaska' guy is but I listened patiently and attentively to everything he had to say and came away with one over riding conclusion… Man, do I want to put a bun in HIS oven!

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Don't tell that to the Poles or the Prussians. 600,000 men didn't walk across Russia in November because they wanted to see the leaves change.

Napoleon's legacy was complicated but what he mostly left behind were dead peasants.

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The Prussians got handed back what they had tried to hand to the French at the beginning of the French Revolution. France did not start that war.

As to the Poles, their country had been invaded by the Prussians, Russians and Austrians 10 years before and they were still occupied. Technically, Napoleon freed them up, setting up an independent Duchy of Warsaw. As a matter of fact, Polish troops fought alongside Napoleon.

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A lot of people fought alongside Napoleon in Russia. What I am saying is that few of them were volunteers

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Denny's is way across town over in Emeryville. Perhaps Milo can spend time at the nearby Steamworks - Berkeley after dining with (Half-)Baked Alaska. Steamworks is less than a mile away.

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Actually, the old school fascists didn't make the trains run on time. They just made sure nobody said so.

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What about his costumes? Have you seen his Sgt. Peckerhead uniform? Tres Chic.

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Look, I don't care whose sausage Milo smokes. It's none of my business but JFC on a Triscuit, Milo is one ignorant queen. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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The question was whether he was a fascist. Most GI in Vietnam weren't volunteers either, but while i have little admiration for Johnson and Nixon, I wouldn't call them fascist dictators.

Plus, Napoleon had a great winning record and army service paid better than farm work. By the time of Russia most of his soldiers were professionals.

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He still has a future in Draco Malloy co-play though.

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